Well car park raged to be precise, I was driving along the rows of cars and had to stop for some pedestrians and a car reversing out so I drove straight into that park.
Some arsehole pulls up behind and starts tooting and shaking his fist, I get out and go see what his problem is, apparently it's me!
He (according to him) had been patiently waiting for that particular park and I had stolen it from him, I was an arsehole and a c*#t.
I tried to reason with him, afterall I deal with much bigger and dangerous #$%*s than this scruffy little oik everyday at work.
I suggested that he take one of the other 300 spare parks just behind us.
He said "what would you do if I came round there and punched you in the head"?
Now my first reaction was, bring it on I'm a little out of practice...but then I reasoned that this was a very public area and he had 2 wee girls in the back seat, seeing Daddy getting his head bounced off the road by a stranger could well be detrimental to their mental health.
So I said in my most "Official" voice very calmly "I'd have to arrest you"!
He nearly choked, guess he was thinking just my luck to rage at an off duty cop.

I actually do have the powers of arrest and am well versed in them but my juristiction is only on Prison grounds.

So he screams off and I go look for a trolly, Jaffa goes back to the car to checkout something with her daughter Ren who is going to read while we shop.
Nut job then comes and starts screaming at Jaffa...wrong thing to do mate...I'm not scared of too many people but Jaffa will kill you.
So we shop and then Ren texts me that Dickwad has come back and tried to scratch our car, not knowing she was in it, well Ren is a chip off the old Jaffa block and she jumps out and gives him both barrells ha ha he ran...what a Wally!