"Bike was my son's, he bought and started fiddling with it. I never thought he'd get that thing running, and the next day he was zipping around the neighborhood!"
Actual words he said over the phone. (I was an idiot and not only bought the bike without seeing it in person, but bought it while deployed in Iraq).
Quotes from the seller's convo with me on ebay:
"I went by the title it reads 21000 and I don't know why. So I added a little more to make it 23000. My son only ran it for a summer then went into the army. The odometer clearly reads 50000+ I did not know it had [an odometer]."
^^^^The title DOES say 21,000 even, but this is part of why I wasn't terribly hesitant to tear my engine down. Who knows what's right.

After I asked if he tried the petcock/checked the kill switch when he said he cant start it:
"I did not do any of those things. I know the brakes work when you push it my son drove it all over the place so I would think they are ok and you just get the old gas out and clean up the carbs and find out why there is no elec. at the coils that thing would start right up."
Boy did I learn something on my last tour.