My daughter (who is grown and lives on her own...and struggling like most 20-something's) is asking for an iPod Touch for Christmas. I think it's an extravagant gift for someone who has a fancy new cell phone and could use other things.
Yeah, yeah...I know it's Christmas, the Season of Giving, yada yada.... let's just say she's plenty spoiled, OK?
Anyway, the main reason she wants one is because someone at her job has one and they use it to listen to Pandora radio.
The daughter has no laptop or PC at her place. She doesn't even know if she can get wi-fi at her house (from the landlord or otherwise). I think she's under the impression that once she gets the Pandora app and an adapter for her car, she can listen to Pandora while driving around.
I know she can download songs from there (which she can already do on her phone), but won't she need 3G or 4G service in order to use the iPod Touch anywhere that there is not wi-fi?
And she needs wi-fi or a computer just to activate the iPod Touch, right? As well as needing it to get any apps that are not built in.
Her co-worker says she uses hers in her car, but I think she's either listening to stuff she's downloaded OR using a wireless network.
I just want to be informed so that my daughter knows what she is and isn't getting. I'm under the impression that she's under the impression that it will work anywhere, like an AM radio with two AA batteries! I'm just worried that she'll get it and not be able to use it or afford the wireless service.
I've been to the iPod and Pandora sites, but can someone who has one explain to me in laymans terms just what is and isn't needed to use this thing?