Well...I'm not divorced, but we've been split for 2 yrs now after living in seperate bedrooms for 5 or 6 yrs, this 11/20 was 26yrs "married". Probably won't get a divorce unless I find someone I could serious about, but I got the "once bit twice shy" thing goin and much as I wish she could find someone to be happy with, I don't think she's capable of it. If it does happen, it'll be just a matter of signing papers, neither of us have anything the other wants. We separated for a yr back in 97, she got on antidepressants and we got back together, but it didn't take long before it was same-old same-old again after we both promised not to do that. She'd be pissed off if I made more money than her, if she made more, then I wasn't trying hard enough to "do my part". It really pissed her off when I was on unemployment and still brought home more. Kids are grown and gone so there's no support necessary, I wasn't looking for a house anyway, so I don't mind that she has it, but it does irritate me that she doesn't acknowledge I had anything to do with it, in spite of the down payment coming from my fathers estate, and my family helping us thru tough times and hers didn't. I come from a close family and wanted an intimate relationship with her, but she comes from a seriously dysfunctional one and can't let anyone close to her. She wanted things, but not the things I wanted, my stuff was always in her way, and one of her biggest gripes was "I don't want to have to deal with all of your S*&% when you die". Nothing I did was ever good enough, in spite of everything I did do thru the yrs, she's the one that "sees the big picture" and has "given up everything to get where we are". But...I have my life back now, I've got some good friends for when I need some moral support, and the kids are alright in spite of our problems.....