Author Topic: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..  (Read 1709 times)

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Offline kaceyf2

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Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« on: March 16, 2006, 02:40:33 PM »
Hya there folks, Cor, been at motorcycles now for 36 years this year! And I still find new questions in my thirst for mechanical knowledge nirvana!
Heres one; MY k8 head has product code '392' stamped in a little oval shaped stamp on the back of the head right in the centre just above carb tracts two and three... to the immediate left is Hm ( obviousely "honda motor..") The "Hm" is also in a little oval shaped stamping, a little smaller than the
"392" All is well with this and I am very happy and have no complaints.....

My F2 head , in EXACTLY the same places has "Hm" and "410" both in their respectable little oval shaped boxes, I am happy with this and the ovalness of the boxes and the numbers themselves are agree-able and I again have no complaints.......

I could have slept well tonight, I could have dreamed about bare naked ladies demanding their rightfull share of my manly parts, In the land of NOD (funny place that, its even in the bible, I mean who could have made THAT up?), anyways, I digress, in the land of Nod, (where I should have been enjoying myself and indulging my dream ladies to the joy of my not so inconsiderable manhoodly delights) There existed NO F1 heads with unatural markings on, especially none that would distract me from said dream nymphets.

Untill , that is, the postie brought me my newly aquired f1 head this morning in the morning mail.
"Ah" I thought, "I will just check it over quick like, and go back to sleep for a little hour or so"
( hopefully, back to where the "action" was)

BUT, ( aint there allways a "but" when a plan sounds good?) Anyways (again) BUT, thats when I wish I hadn't noticed the ODD  "NOT" product code IN the "NOT" OVAL box / stamping.

AND yes, I could have just asked "whats an f1's product code meant to be?" but that would not have any bare naked ladies in the story now would it?

Anyways, BEFORE I tell you what IS there (instead of whats meant to be)  COULD SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT SHOULD BE THERE, OR WHAT MIGHT I FIND THERE...but only what honda put there!( not say a bit of road crap or dog doo or insects or condoms)

Thanks for any info in advance.....oh ye what the ****** are karma points? I mean I KNOW what Karma is (and who he is) but how does this apply to this site and why aint I gotten any? do I buy them or win it on ebay? and how many do you need to exchange for say a biscuit (or cookie in the usa?)
Can I sell any karma points I may get? or trade them in for something that I know about?
Are they similar to green shield stamps? Does having them get you discounts at the chicken / bunny ranch?
I WANT "INSTANT" Karma if its available.(preferably in a nice shade of black)
BUT, I will take the "pharmaceutical option" (often and to excess)

see what happens when my sleep is disturbed?

do let me know what my f1 head should be stamped trickery now, I will only tell you if you tell me first......sure someone said that in my dream....

kaceyf2 ??? ???

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Re: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 03:20:15 PM »
.....oh ye what the ****** are karma points? I mean I KNOW what Karma is (and who he is) but how does this apply to this site and why aint I gotten any? do I buy them or win it on ebay? and how many do you need to exchange for say a biscuit (or cookie in the usa?)  Can I sell any karma points I may get? or trade them in for something that I know about?  Are they similar to green shield stamps?...

kaceyf2 ??? ???

What a delightful post!  I wish I had expressed it that way.  Yeah, what is up with the "karma" points, anyway?
Mike Nixon
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Offline mutters

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Re: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 03:57:35 PM »
 Wow, anyway,this may  be an f1  I have wearing hm in an oval then 392, no oval and upside down,and then (standing on my feet again, right side up) 5x.
 I have no idea what all this means, but it may help you sleep,I sure hope so, I want to hear the end of the story  ::)
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Offline MRieck

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Re: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 05:29:08 PM »
I have a spare F1 head- I'll check tomorrow for markings.
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"

Offline kaceyf2

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Re: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 09:26:57 AM »
Thanks Mike that would be really great....I just found a book that says it should be should the K8 head funny enough (because its the same! and I got a K8 head thats stamped "K8 and 392" and this was done at factory) BUT what my F0/1 head is stamped with is very strange indeed...........
( I am a bit worried that if i say, Terry will go "oh yeh, thats nowt mate, i had four of those marked like that") so I wanna see if anyone actually has one of these OR knows about it?!
It's about time I had something unusual.......
(but not any sort of disease of course, like tropical thrips say)
anyways, thanks mike, do let me know..........I think I may have a "MYSTERIOUS HEAD" :o
In my own experience...
It wasn't a Previous Owner who didnt know what he was doing that messed up your bike, it was The Previous owners mate who THOUGHT that HE did.

Offline MRieck

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Re: Product code on F1 head????? weird one..
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 12:12:02 PM »
 Next to the "HM" oval X 3 is cast in. That is on my 1975 F. I will check the spare later to see if it's different.
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"