Good question, I've wondered this too.
So I busted out my Zedder Honda Cross-Reference.
Not all inclusive here but some early parts fit on the '78 bike, such as:
- wheel spokes
- oil pan
- alternator cover
- connecting rods
- crankshaft
- oil pump
- coils
- turn signals (except the earliest cb750s)
Here's some things that only work up to the 1976 K6 bike:
- crankcase assy.
- pistons
- camshaft
- mufflers (the '69 - '71 bikes had hm300s, the '72-'76 had hm341 mufflers)
- headlight
- seat pad
- master cylinder (front brake)
Lots of stuff is model-year specific (wiring harness in some years, gauges, seat pattern, etc.)
Now, the stuff above is from Zedder's cross reference, the pro's on the board here might be able
to say more accurately what early stuff will fit the '78. Looks like a lot of stuff will, though.
If you're trying to keep it model-year correct, you can get Zedder's Honda X-Reference on ebay for $30. I thought that was pretty cheap considering all the time it would save me and it really has since I stick to model-year-correct when I buy parts.