Cranks are probably done by Falicon, or Powerol (are they still in business?) Never liked the Powerol idea of shortening connecting rod.
Either way sounds expensive, have to weld up crank journals and re-grind to greater throw, or the cheap way is to just grind journals 3mm offset but that makes them really small diameter. The dome on the CB750 pistons isnt a problem, just machine a flat surface which acts as a squish band (or quench area if you prefer) or flycut the combustion chambers ( I've done both, did'nt notice any difference in performance) cutting the pistons is easier. A side effect was fuel economy, better combustion actually decreased fuel consumption, went from around 26mpg stock to 41mpg modified, even with larger main jets. Bike would pull slightly higher gearing and still outperform stock CB750 ( about 127mph with hard bags) If I can find a pic I'll find out how to post it(may take some doing since pics will be from 1980, I moved a couple of times!)