Skinning off the wire insulation is rather a bad idea. This can lead to blown fuses, or if the yellow wires were skinned, inadequate charging. They are insulated for a very good reason, part of which is to keep the machine reliable.
It was discouraging to see this:
Some of the wires that came from the stator had some of the wire coating crack but I just left it because I was sick of this job and i think it will be ok.
This reads like you are admitting to shoddy work. Beware the "benefits" of this. Sometimes doing things right takes patience and the learning experience takes diligence. "Shortcuts" are for the experienced who can apply them when appropriate.
I do wish you well. But one of the "jobs" of insulation is to shield the copper wire from corroding. Corrosion will, at some point, make a part in the wire and stop electrical flow. The cracked insulation can be effectively closed when treated with "Liquid Vinyl" found at a Hardware store's electrical section.