When the woman gets off BC without telling you and winds up pregnant without any planning ON YOUR PART, (I thought a marriage was a TEAM venture), well, that really irks me as well.
No, what's unfair is making someone give up their hobbies, pastimes, desires and dreams in favor of yours. Quite selfish actually.
I'm VERY sure there is a way that they can co-exist with the children, a house AND a motorcycle for him. It sounds like she wanted her fairy-princess wedding, perfect little house, white picket fence and the children she's been dreaming of since she was a little girl. She found a guy to bankroll her pre-conceived fantasy dream life at the expense of that man's dreams and finances, AND she's sucking him dry, like a psychic vampire. SHE doesn't approve of motorcycles, never did and now she won't let him have one. Why was she enthusiastic as the "girlfriend"? Because she was in acquisition mode and was trying to land herself a husband. She was camouflaging her true self in order to appear more desirable. This is called the Chameleon Effect and ALL women do it, to some degree or another. Read "The Predatory Female" by the Rev. Lawrence Shannon and all will be revealed. She is a TEXTBOOK Predatory Female. All the signs are there.
Mark my words, that marriage is doomed. The man is (and will become increasingly), bitter towards her for her selfishness and her attitude. He will resent the chains of bondage she has laid upon him. He will love his child and hopefully the kid will turn out OK, but odds are, she will become increasingly disillusioned about her marriage and how it is not living up to her Barbie Dreamhouse standards. She will serve him with papers, and drag him through the incredibly biased court system, sucking him dry financially, taking the house that HE paid for, the car that HE paid for, deny him access to his own child, and THEN demand money from him for the rest of his life, to include his retirement and inheritance, to subsidize her increasingly lavish lifestyle with her new boyfriend(s).
Does she want a new stereo or a trip to the islands? Call up her lawyer and have the court raise the alimony or child support payments. There is no way to monitor if she spends it on the kid or not, or even if she needs it.
He will wind up a broken, worn out shell of a man. Empty like the chrysalis of a cicada, shuffling day to day through life, working his fingers to the bone, not for himself, but so SHE can live in opulence, while he barely manages to eke out an existence in shame and poverty. Indeed, a modern-day slave to both her and to the courts, which will become her weapon.
His children will grow up not knowing their father, but only hearing the lies and terrible untruths that mommy says about him. He will never be able to retire, working until the day he dies. Then one day, he will die. Cold, alone and miserable, surrounded only by the acrid stench of stale cigarette smoke, the burning taste of cheap whisky and the horrific pain of a shattered life and broken dreams.
All because he wanted a YZF-R1.
Sad really.