Author Topic: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....  (Read 18072 times)

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #50 on: December 20, 2010, 11:50:59 AM »
As a teen, yes, my bikes were my primary mode of transportation.  I had cars too.  But, the bikes won!

Married with children now, I could only wish it were my primary mode of transport.  Maybe in another 14 years I can consider it a real option again.
I don't have a motorcycle, sold it ('85 Yamaha Venture Royale).  Haven't had a CB750 for over 40 years.

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Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #51 on: December 20, 2010, 11:53:31 AM »
As a teen, yes, my bikes were my primary mode of transportation.  I had cars too.  But, the bikes won!

Married with children now, I could only wish it were my primary mode of transport.  Maybe in another 14 years I can consider it a real option again.

Just get a reallllllly good life insurance policy.

Offline Really?

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2010, 11:57:16 AM »
Yea, I would be about 60.  If I can't ride one with two wheels, there is always a trike!
I don't have a motorcycle, sold it ('85 Yamaha Venture Royale).  Haven't had a CB750 for over 40 years.

The Wife's Bike - 750K5
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Offline cameron

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2010, 11:27:09 AM »
I only ride.
No car.

But I also have a bus pass.

PS.. I save enough money on Insurance, Parking, Taxes and Gas to buy a B, maybe B+ quality sohc EVERY YEAR.
I generally blow it on parts and booze.... but i could!

I encourage this lifestyle.
1976 CB550F

Offline Popwood

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #54 on: December 21, 2010, 06:33:18 PM »
Guess you need to define "primary." Yes, I also have a truck, a '79 Ford F100 that's in good shape with just 80K miles. But I ride my bikes every day when it's not raining or when the temp is above 32 degrees when it's time to head for work. I also avoid snow, which has been around too much already this winter here in Ohio. Yes, it's just under 10 miles to work so not like a long commute. But I must say, while pounding on wood, that neither bike has left me stranded roadside even once in four years.
Current Rides:
1975 cb550K
1975 cb750K
1967 Bridgestone 350GTR

Past Rides:
1988 400 Hawk
195? Schwinn Whizzer

Offline Blueridgerunner

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2010, 12:44:24 PM »
Yea, I would be about 60.  If I can't ride one with two wheels, there is always a trike!
Hell, I'm pushing 66 and not slowing down yet   8)
Said James "In my opinion,  there's nothing in this world, beats a '52 Vincent and a red headed girl"

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Offline florence

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2010, 01:03:31 PM »
I bought my cb500/4 fifteen years ago and it has been my daily rider ever since.  I regularly ride it for work, often over 100 miles a day, through the British winter.  Admittedly when the weather is really bad I take the car but most days it is ridden.  I bought the 500/4 because essentially it is very cheap transport, easy to repair and cheap to maintain with spare parts still relatively easy to obtain.

To keep them just for polishing is , I believe, a little insane, they do not really have a purpose other than as transport and certainly people who treat them as an investment make me furious because they keep classic motorcycling beyond the reach of people with a modest purse.  For a long time I have wanted to buy a cheap rough and ready Triumph 500 twin, not to restore but simply to use because I really like them.  Unfortunately, due to speculators and restorers the price has gone up to such a high level that they are no longer affordable or, indeed, realistically priced at what they are truly worth.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 01:07:05 PM by florence »

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #57 on: December 22, 2010, 01:39:26 PM »
As you know, Mike, I need two in order to have transportation other than my feet. One to ride, and one to wrench. I modify the engines until every single ounce of "reliability" has been removed, and then ride them daily at high revs to work, the bank/store, the twisties, and neighboring states. About 10-12k miles per year until something goes "pop!" The real insanity comes each time I have to rebuild, and think to myself "hmmm...maybe a hotter cam and bigger bore will do the trick this time."

I'm at that awful point right now where both bikes are down. Thanks to a generous friend I am still on two wheels though. My "reliable" and "sane" ride is a '95 Duc SS900, but I can't WAIT to get one of my fours back in action. Nothing in the world like 'em :)
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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #58 on: December 26, 2010, 05:57:48 PM »
I ride my 1976 Cb550K 50 odd miles almost everyday, I also have a Tacoma pick-up truck for rainy days. I hit 100,000 on my frame and I'm on my 2nd motor, due to a truck hitting me on the 5Fwy.

It can be done, only downer is the tube tires. Once the tube is punctured, you have to have it replaced. I would suggest the 550 as the best all around commuter, the CB400F is too small for freeway use and the 750 motors develop more motor issues over time.  The CB550K or F motors are almost bomb proof!


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Offline jleavesl

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2010, 01:58:23 AM »
I always get a kick out of people who say that somethings age prohibits it from being used as a daily driver.  I have a 73 cb500 that I bought on a whim a few years ago, and I built it up into something reliable; however, I don't ride it often since I don't have a license (I'm an unemployed engineer and I need to use my skills lest I go insane).  However, my main project is a 1950 Plymouth special deluxe.  Last year, when someone broke into my jeep and destroyed most of the electronics by trying to hot-wire it, the plymouth became my daily driver.  I haven't done much to it since I raised it from the dead, but it ran like a damned top.  I was taking an engine rebuilding class at the time, and the motor tested better than some three year old cars (it was rebuilt in the 70s).  If the cylinders are not worn out, the carbs are clean, the ignition is good, and the tranny isnt shot; it will run and run reliably.  Neglect is what kills an old bike or car; not age.  Spend some time un#$%*ing the damage caused by years of abuse, and then drive or ride the #$%* out of it.  If you proclaim that a 35 year old bike is too old to be trusted, that is indicative of a failure of your mechanical abilities, not the bikes.

Offline Blueridgerunner

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #60 on: December 27, 2010, 04:13:39 AM »
what he said
Said James "In my opinion,  there's nothing in this world, beats a '52 Vincent and a red headed girl"

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Offline florence

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #61 on: December 27, 2010, 07:32:35 AM »
It is not true that tubes need to be replaced once punctured.  They can be patched perfectly well, that is the whole idea.  Perhaps you have different laws in America?  I usually replace inner tubes once they have more than three or four patches on them.

Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #62 on: December 27, 2010, 07:39:48 AM »
  If you proclaim that a 35 year old bike is too old to be trusted, that is indicative of a failure of your mechanical abilities, not the bikes.


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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #63 on: December 27, 2010, 07:49:01 AM »
It is not true that tubes need to be replaced once punctured.  They can be patched perfectly well, that is the whole idea.  Perhaps you have different laws in America?  I usually replace inner tubes once they have more than three or four patches on them.

I've put a few patches on..theoretically, it can affect the balance with a chunk of extra rubber in there...
'72 CB750-K2 "PopCycle"
'73 CB750-K2 "Barney"
'77 CB750A   
'83 Virago 500 (red)
'83 Virago 500 (black)

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #64 on: December 27, 2010, 09:18:36 AM »
I'm with the daily riders......... these bikes will not quit on the side of the road unless the owner has neglected 3 things;
1. That the carburation is set to correct fuel/air ratios for the intake/exhaust system.
2. That the ignition timing is spot-on, I mean spot-on.
3. That all electrical connections are examined/polished and tight.

If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline florence

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #65 on: December 27, 2010, 10:00:16 AM »
It is not true that tubes need to be replaced once punctured.  They can be patched perfectly well, that is the whole idea.  Perhaps you have different laws in America?  I usually replace inner tubes once they have more than three or four patches on them.

I've put a few patches on..theoretically, it can affect the balance with a chunk of extra rubber in there...

Only a problem once you get to 250 MPH

Offline florence

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #66 on: December 27, 2010, 10:10:04 AM »
I'm with the daily riders......... these bikes will not quit on the side of the road unless the owner has neglected 3 things;
1. That the carburation is set to correct fuel/air ratios for the intake/exhaust system.
2. That the ignition timing is spot-on, I mean spot-on.
3. That all electrical connections are examined/polished and tight.


I completely agree, these are essentially modern motorcycles and are perfectly good for daily use.  Riding them regularly is the best way to keep them in tip top condition mechanically.  I do not consider them to be truly old; they have automatic advance and retard, run on modern unleaded fuels, have an hydraulic disk brake, electric lights; some even have electric starters.  There are many much older machines in daily use where I live.

To be honest I feel rather affronted at the suggestion that these motorcycles are too old for use, it is the newest machine I can afford.  I didn't buy it because I am an enthusiast but simply because it was the most affordable way I could get a running bike of 500cc.  
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 10:25:00 AM by florence »

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #67 on: December 30, 2010, 05:49:02 PM »
I did it damb near every day for almost 3 years. I didn't ride if it was raining though. My 74 750 is showing around 48000+ and I wouldn't hesitate to ride it anywhere. I only had 2 break downs. Once my throttle cable broke but I still made it home without a tow. The other time I had problem blowing the main fuse but found out what was causeing that. I bought a snow mobile suit off ebay for like $25.00, throw in some heated gloves and your good to go. I live in the mountains of eastern TN. The first year I rode back and fourth to work I had a 70mile round trip and left at 5am. I don't think its insane at all. I even did this with a perfectly running 04 model pick-up sitting in the driveway.
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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #68 on: December 30, 2010, 06:33:23 PM »
May I please ask a quick, dumb question?

Who actually said that these bikes shouldn't be used as primary or daily transportation?  Who are we trying to convince that they can be? 

Offline andy750

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #69 on: December 30, 2010, 06:47:05 PM »
May I please ask a quick, dumb question?

Who actually said that these bikes shouldn't be used as primary or daily transportation?  Who are we trying to convince that they can be? 

Didnt you read the first post?
Current bikes
1. CB750K4: Long distance bike, 17 countries and counting...2001 - Trans-USA-Mexico, 2003 - European Tour, 2004 - SOHC Easy Rider Trip , 2008 - Adirondack Tour 2-up , 2013 - Tail of the Dragon Tour , 2017: 836 kit install and bottom end rebuild. And rebirth:,173213.msg2029836.html#msg2029836
2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
3. Yamaha Tenere T700 2022

Where did you go on your bike today? -

Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #70 on: December 30, 2010, 06:49:39 PM »
May I please ask a quick, dumb question?

Who actually said that these bikes shouldn't be used as primary or daily transportation?  Who are we trying to convince that they can be? 

Didnt you read the first post?

and every subsequent post

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2010, 06:55:39 PM »
May I please ask a quick, dumb question?

Who actually said that these bikes shouldn't be used as primary or daily transportation?  Who are we trying to convince that they can be? 

   That would be Mike R. ...He's either having some fun or had 1 or 2 too many Belgian ales.  ;) ;D ;D ;D

Mike K.
Glosta, MA
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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2010, 07:19:13 PM »
May I please ask a quick, dumb question?

Who actually said that these bikes shouldn't be used as primary or daily transportation?  Who are we trying to convince that they can be? 

Didnt you read the first post?

I read Mike's original post before there were any responses, and it was apparent that it was said in a tongue-in-cheek manner.  I guess a lot of people didn't catch that. 

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2010, 05:49:14 AM »
Mike never said you could not do it, just that it's crazy. Some of the replies suggest this is true.

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Re: Anybody buying a 35 to 40 year old motorcycle as primary transportation....
« Reply #74 on: December 31, 2010, 09:47:24 AM »
Yeah, I suppose it's crazy, but what's life without a little crazy?  Better than axe-murdering crazy, anyway.  One of these days I want to build up a CB750 with a sidecar rig for bad weather.

Happy New Year, y'all!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 09:49:17 AM by ohiolarsen »
'73 CB350F