I think the escort is a great idea. But since I am the only one who has agreed to come out to the island so far, and i havent heard of anyone else besides you that will originate there, the 100s of rider part is probably a no-go
So why don't we tentatively plan on me (and any others that are up for the trip) to head to Oyster Bay. Maybe we can figure out a way to hit some of the other parks in that immediate vacinity? Maybe a quick ride out to centre island, and maybe Caumsett park??? Just thoughts after looking on the map.
Also, not sure if it will work to exclude weekdays, as this IT has places to go, people to see. Maybe Bobby can weigh in here on the length of time that we have it for.
I'm fine riding on the weekdays. Are you cool to make it from you home to Oyster Bay on a weekday? Are there some back roads you can take? Not sure where you are located?
Let us know so we can get all willing participants on board, and then as the date approaches, we will be able to coordinate with the next hand-off, which seems like it will be happening in Woodstock.