OK, I'm an idiot, I have no idea what you want us to do on that map. It starts out in google street view at a specific location.
I'm in Oradell (Bergen County) and can go anywhere in NJ, Prefer to stay in the north half of the state. Depending on the timing I might only be able to offer a support/video/camera vehicle. Also willing to go into PA, NY and CT.
There are a couple a guys in Bergen County/Hudson county that I've been in touch with before, I'm going to see if they're interested. If they're in can we detour to the eastern part of the state and get into NYC???
There's a guy on Hondachopper.com down near Philly\cherry hill that want's to be a part of this also. I'm sure he'll ride anywhere, anyday so we should count him in also. He'll chime in when it gets closer.