Author Topic: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - We are Official Event at Rhinebeck!  (Read 70052 times)

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Offline Nortstudio

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They have a monthly parking space under the shop that has a collection of locals sick vintage bikes.  Modern too, but the old ones down there are really impressive.
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Offline Doggie

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Sounds like a cool place to visit.  Work tomorrow, so i'm going to call it a night. Nice talking to you.

Offline Philly550K1

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now you're getting me fired up, Larry.  ;)  i don't know you, don't get ruffled... apparently i must "represent" four nj counties. the chamber of fricking commerce. :)

this route has NO turnpike, almost no parkway (just a small slice of the "park" part way down south), just two laners, forest, bay, and farms. yes, i welcome a skilled and motivated photo/cinematographer. has godzilla posed with any wild bald eagles yet?

here's the ride i had in mind. as i said before, if IT doesn't make it to Lewes, i'll catch up with IT in Philly or environs. if spwg wants to meet me in lewes, i'll run IT out toward your place after we hit philly. (if we see bells, we see bells. if it's cracked, i didn't do it. ;)  i guess what i'm saying is, we can do it your way and my way...

leaving an extra day or two in the region would be good for everyone, sounds like.

glenn, are you following? what's your window?

i'm not as free saturday 5/21 as i thought, so friday or sunday might be better riding days for me.

spwg, photolar, what say you?


Yeah we are finally getting it together. Jon can you throw up a quick Google map of your planned route so we can start making the meet up points. Dude you wanna take a Ferry, take a Ferry. This is a riders ride, made by and for the riders!

The ferry is the same if you are in a car, on a bike or a walker.. If we did that, then we'd have to go up the Parkway or Turnpike.  I am no more than an hour west of Philly.  We can cover 3 states in a 15 minute ride from my house, where riders would be welcome to stay as I have a fair size house, full garage/shop...Larry

Offline MoMo

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Jon,  original plan was to go from Dover up through PA and then cross the Delaware into NJ and head up towards Port Jervis/Matamoras.  Since then the hook up from the Midwest has changed from DC to Hancock. Riding down to Lewes and crossing over into Cape May adds a bunch of miles. If we ride out to Hancock and take IT over to my area others can then decide where they want to go, but I had planned from the onset to take back roads to upper  PA.  Plans can change.

Don't mean to ruffle anyone and certainly do not know what spwg means...Larry

Offline c(b)hris

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Hey, I'm in Pittsburgh.  Is there any part I can help out on?

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Offline 05c50

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Hey, I'm in Pittsburgh.  Is there any part I can help out on?

Sure can, I'll be picking IT up in Sharon and taking IT to Maryland. I could use some company. Where in the burgh are you located?

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Offline singedebile

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darn it, it they stay on schedule ill have trouble participating, I only work 3 days but its sat-monday. I live in philly

Don't throw in the towel yet!  Team Central is finalizing their dates now, then it will be Team Mid-Atlantic's turn.  By building in a few pad days, say in Philly, nice and central to your region, you may get a chance to take the Lizard out on the town for some no doubt AWESOME photo ops!

haha thanks,
I would definitely love to ride and if its not when I work I would be happy going for a couple days... ridding down to meet then on past philly
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Offline BobbyR

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You guys are the best we are going to roll.

Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Offline c(b)hris

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Hey, I'm in Pittsburgh.  Is there any part I can help out on?

Sure can, I'll be picking IT up in Sharon and taking IT to Maryland. I could use some company. Where in the burgh are you located?


Im in Squirrel Hill, but I could meet up with you in Grove City. 
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Offline 05c50

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Sounds good, we'll have to make plans as the time gets closer.

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Offline OldSchool_IsCool

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OK Mid-Atlantic!! The ball is in YOUR court!  Team Central will have Godzilla in Hancock, MD on 5/22!  The "official" schedule can be found attached to post #1 of this thread

I'd like to stay at least a month ahead of the G-man, so please finalize your overnight stays, your vendor, museum, shop and race track locations and dates and send them to me for posting!
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Offline MoMo

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That is good no know.   Team Mid Atlantic and   Philly area riders, we can get out there-3 1/2 hours from my house.. GZ could visit Gettysburg  and conquer both the North and South  ;D.  Anyone up for the ride?...Larry

Offline dragon79

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heyguys though i wouldjump in here, i am the pick guy for team new england. pi ck up in bethel, ny. any thoughts on when? looking to ride throug catskills on way back.

Offline BobbyR

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heyguys though i wouldjump in here, i am the pick guy for team new england. pi ck up in bethel, ny. any thoughts on when? looking to ride throug catskills on way back.
Hey Dragon we will be handed the lizard on May 22 if all goes as planned. I would think the 24 may be the date. Are you the lone gunman? I figured Andy would have a good sized posse coming over. 
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline MoMo

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #415 on: April 24, 2011, 04:36:04 AM »
Depends on the route riders want but from near Philly to upstate is a day at most with photo op stops.  Need to hear from other riders. 24th? seems likely ..Larry

Offline Nortstudio

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #416 on: April 24, 2011, 04:54:15 AM »
Depends on the route riders want but from near Philly to upstate is a day at most with photo op stops.  Need to hear from other riders. 24th? seems likely ..Larry

Bobby will have to weigh in here, but I think a plan had begun to develop with a leg coming into manhattan, and perhaps even a quick trip out to te Billy Joel shop/museum for photo ops. So that may add a day or so to the total time it takes to get the GZ up to Woodstock.

We also need to figure out if the NY riders will need to wait until the following weekend for the haul up to Woodstock, due to work schedules etc.

I have a flexible schedule, and can work around others schedule to help move it along, if that makes it easier/quicker.
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a blog about wrenching in Brooklyn, NY

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Offline Philly550K1

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #417 on: April 24, 2011, 08:39:53 AM »
hancock, MD on 5/22 sounds great.

larry, "spwg" is SUPER PASTY WHITE GUY, who i'm hoping will chime in soon.

it makes perfect sense to me for Team Mid-Atlantic (TMA) to pick it up in hancock, swing thru gettysburg, then take photos in baltimore and DC (now) on the way out to lewes, DE via annapolis. my crue can handle lewes, njmp, up to philly and beyond...

for the record, i ride urban, no sweat. so if nobody else is stepping up for philly, that's me. sounds like nortstudio has NYC metro, and SPWG, if he's still in, can set the pace for DC, baltimore, annapolis, etc...

i can help organize the philly-brooklyn/manhattan leg, too.

go, spring... :)


Offline MoMo

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #418 on: April 24, 2011, 12:33:48 PM »
Jon,   from Hancock to here is a solid days ride.  If riders want to stay here and then go on to Lewes if that is the plan we could follow DE9 down towards Lewes.  Much slower but much more scenic that 13/1.  If the Lewes/Cape May Ferry is out we could meander up PA82 to 345 to 724 and then either into NJ or on up to the Watergap...Larry

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #419 on: April 24, 2011, 03:29:30 PM »
OK you guys are getting some good stuff together so I will PM Andy CB750 and let him know we will get back to him on a date we and reasonably and SAFELY get him to Woodstock. I was playing with maps and I agree with Scott we may have to do this in two weekends.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline m00ntan

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There was a MD rider that had said he could bring IT from western MD or PA towards eastern MD, we do not need to dip into DE as there is a point several miles from my house where  PA, MD and DE merge-it is part of the Mason Dixon survey. I live in West Grove, PA, which is as far from Ohio as one can get...Larry

Yes, I'm still here and figuring out where Hancock is.  There's nothing on my calendar for Armed Forces Day, but I have this on my calendar for May 22:

Offline MoMo

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #421 on: April 24, 2011, 06:01:17 PM »
Hancock is up near the PA/MD border, below and west of Chambersburg, Pa.  An hour north of the event you posted...Larry

Offline m00ntan

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #422 on: April 24, 2011, 06:39:02 PM »
Jon,   from Hancock to here is a solid days ride.  If riders want to stay here and then go on to Lewes if that is the plan we could follow DE9 down towards Lewes.  Much slower but much more scenic that 13/1.  If the Lewes/Cape May Ferry is out we could meander up PA82 to 345 to 724 and then either into NJ or on up to the Watergap...Larry

Yes, I've seen Hancock on the map.  It's a part of Rte 70 that's unpredictable.  I've sat for 2 hours before.  And all the alternates are parralell to the mountains.

Trying to figure, three hours out to Hancock, four hours across Maryland and two hours back from you, if I'm lucky.  The bike has a good chance of surviving, the meat will give up half way out of Hancock.


Offline BobbyR

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #423 on: April 24, 2011, 06:47:26 PM »
Depends on the route riders want but from near Philly to upstate is a day at most with photo op stops.  Need to hear from other riders. 24th? seems likely ..Larry

Bobby will have to weigh in here, but I think a plan had begun to develop with a leg coming into manhattan, and perhaps even a quick trip out to te Billy Joel shop/museum for photo ops. So that may add a day or so to the total time it takes to get the GZ up to Woodstock.

We also need to figure out if the NY riders will need to wait until the following weekend for the haul up to Woodstock, due to work schedules etc.

I have a flexible schedule, and can work around others schedule to help move it along, if that makes it easier/quicker.

Scott, Manhattan is a must, so far GZ has been in great scenic places of mountains and trees, now he will get a chance to take Manhattan. We can get this done, we have to just be slick.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline Nortstudio

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Re: Team Mid Atlantic - DEL, NJ, NY, and PA - Kickstands Up 5/22
« Reply #424 on: April 24, 2011, 06:58:15 PM »
I think we need a definitive answer about whether the GZ must be to Woodstock on a certain date.  Also, does it now seem that only one of their riders is going to Woodstock fornthe handoff? That might make it a bit more flexible.
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a blog about wrenching in Brooklyn, NY

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