now you're getting me fired up, Larry.

i don't know you, don't get ruffled... apparently i must "represent" four nj counties. the chamber of fricking commerce.

this route has NO turnpike, almost no parkway (just a small slice of the "park" part way down south), just two laners, forest, bay, and farms. yes, i welcome a skilled and motivated photo/cinematographer. has godzilla posed with any wild bald eagles yet?
here's the ride i had in mind. as i said before, if IT doesn't make it to Lewes, i'll catch up with IT in Philly or environs. if spwg wants to meet me in lewes, i'll run IT out toward your place after we hit philly. (if we see bells, we see bells. if it's cracked, i didn't do it.

i guess what i'm saying is, we can do it your way and my way...
leaving an extra day or two in the region would be good for everyone, sounds like.
glenn, are you following? what's your window?
i'm not as free saturday 5/21 as i thought, so friday or sunday might be better riding days for me.
spwg, photolar, what say you?
Yeah we are finally getting it together. Jon can you throw up a quick Google map of your planned route so we can start making the meet up points. Dude you wanna take a Ferry, take a Ferry. This is a riders ride, made by and for the riders!
The ferry is the same if you are in a car, on a bike or a walker.. If we did that, then we'd have to go up the Parkway or Turnpike. I am no more than an hour west of Philly. We can cover 3 states in a 15 minute ride from my house, where riders would be welcome to stay as I have a fair size house, full garage/shop...Larry