I've been in water up to mid-calf through a big puddle and had no problem. Make sure the gasket under the points cover is good - water and spark do not mix. If you run pods, take along some ductSo Sunday is calling for some potentially nasty weather around here but the wife hasn't said anything yet which means I can still take the hand-off. I've got a new 1-piece rain suit and a NOJ Quiet Rider due to arrive tomorrow. That plus some heat packs and common sense in the corners should make for a reasonably safe ride.
Anyone had problems riding in the rain with these old bikes? I've never had the 550 out in more than a little drizzle and understand that Honda did design them to be ridden is some degree of weather but I just don't know where the line is. My 2007 Suzuki doesn't much care what the weather is like but I just wonder if I need to silicon up some of the electronics since I'll be hours from home on my own in a very spotty cell reception area.
tape to tape over the outside edges of the outer two pods.
Have you been in touch with Blueridgerunner about a new and improved shcedule? We moved it up a day to dodge some weather!
I've got the stock airbox on so no worries there. Good call on the seal around the points cover. Mine is pretty beat. I'll cut a new one tomorrow just to be safe.
Blueridgerunner is going to meet me earlier on Sunday so I am not chasing daylight on the way back, especially in the rain. They're callin for some possible snow showers up here on Sunday early so I'm going to have to get on the main roads quickly. Suppose to warm up for the ride back so I can take the parkway and get some nice (even if overcast) shots.
I'm also taking the extra step of throwing the ramps in the back of the truck and printing out my route just in case I have to give the wife a call to come save me. They're the old heavy steel ones and she'd have a hard time getting them into the bed.