Guys, I hate to be the time frame killer. Its tough when we only ride distance on weekends.
What would be best for my northern New England mates? I can deliver "it" on 6/18 but Mods vs Rockers will be missed. Midweek handoff is almost impossible with my work hours. I could do it though. If we had more CT riders, I could hand off and maybe that would speed things up. So far it looks like I'll be riding solo.
Let me know what is best for the group.
Wouldn't a little later be nicer/warmer weather for the northern states/Canada?
I'll be in Lake George NY for Americade 6/7-6/10, handoff there? Probably not a good time frame since the Rhinebeck bike show is that following weekend 6/10-6/12 when Andy will get the handoff and some great photos I'm sure.