
Do you primarialy use a

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Author Topic: Open face helmet or full face  (Read 4793 times)

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Offline singedebile

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Open face helmet or full face
« on: December 23, 2010, 12:38:08 PM »
I am sure this has been talked about before but I had trouble finding any topic that focused on the Full face vs. Open face 'debate' .

I have always used a full face helmet because I know it protects your chin but on the other hand I have been seriously considering getting an open face helmet as they 'feel' so much more free, either something like the momo fighter helmet or more in the cafe style with Halcyon goggles. Also considering how 'recent' the move has been towards full face helmets, maybe they are not as needed as the trend suggests (it wouldnt be the first time).

I guess what I mean is I never really questioned weather or not to use a full face helmet but now I am and would like to hear from you guyes...  stories... ideas... etc.. 

thanks for the help!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 12:48:19 PM by singedebile »
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2010, 12:58:17 PM »

I have an open face for now and yes I like the 'freedom' feeling of it but, I don't like being pelted with bugs & bug guts when I'm riding. Not to mention if a rock should ever find itself being flung through the air by someone's tire. I plan on moving to full face because I can't stand the thought of eating through a straw. I know that the odds of these things happening may not be too high, but it's all about peace of mind and what you are comfortable with. Just like an oil or tires thread it is subject to a wide variety of opinions. ;)
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Offline cameron

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2010, 01:04:54 PM »
Full Face.

No question.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2010, 01:08:50 PM »
Been sporting a SHOEI RF900 for a while now and it is time to replace it.  Everytime I take it off I have to wipe black dust off of my head.  I think momma has a modular showing up for Christmas.  So I am going inbetween, lol.

The open face may be cool looking for the style of bike but I can't see myself doing it.  I just feel better with a full face.  If the one momma is getting me turns out to me modular, that will be interesting.

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Offline lone*X

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2010, 01:17:15 PM »
Open face for over 40 years.  Tried on full face and modular many times but they just don't fit my head, either real or imagined.  Also it can get really hot in the summer here and the air circulation of the open face is nice.  To me it has to be comfortable or I will want to leave it on the hook.  In Texas the helmet is optional if you are over 21 and have proof of personal medical insurance.  The full coverage helmet is probably a safer option but Like everything though, you have to weigh the benefits either way and make your own choices.  Don't let others make this important decision for you.
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Offline BruceDeuce

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2010, 01:33:05 PM »
I wear a peanut lid in the summer and full in the winter. The full takes away my peripheral vision.
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2010, 01:46:15 PM »
Started with a 3/4 back in '71, got a full face in '72 cuz it kept my face warmer. Never thought about the chin protection advantages until early '83 when some sand on the road gave me a little lesson. Gloves were nice too, again they were mostly to keep my hands warm at that time, but as I get older, I'm a little more aware of the discomfort of missing patches of skin, so I wear them mostly all the time too. Even so..I have a couple half helmets and a "beanie" for those summer days when I just gotta "feel it". Don't wear the beanie much..I love it, and it's as close as I can to helmetless get within the limits of the law here, but on the other hand, I have a sort of "tall" head and it does make me look goofy rather than cool. Not too concerned with looking cool, but I prefer not to look goofy.. ;D  But...mostly rock the HJC full face, Black with a red Honda wing on the back...
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Offline blackhog02

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2010, 01:55:50 PM »
Depends upon the bike i'm riding.  The sohc's i usually go 3/4 unless it is cold.  The bikes that tend to want to go slightly faster than the posted limit zx600 and Buell X1 lightning always a full face.  Always gloves and boots.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2010, 02:39:20 PM »
I always err on the side of caution, and went with full face, gloves, boots and a protective jacket....ALWAYS.

Seems to me the freedom gained by the breeze could be lost in the event of an accident, but then again, maybe even all that gear wouldn't help.

The modular helmets are a nice touch, especially if you wear glasses.

Just my 2 cents....
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2010, 02:57:28 PM »
Full face has definate safety benefits for your chin. BUT,...I agree with earlier comments from ..DEUCE about vision. I feel the potential safety advantage for your chin are seriously offset by a lack of vision to sides and rear. I find myself needing to stop the bike, stand up and pivot my entire body in order to see much behind my shoulders.

Offline Kong

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2010, 03:02:14 PM »
3/4 Face with flip shield.  I was never able to find a full face that worked well with glasses.  I am a believer in shields, clear or smoked, to protect the face from bugs, rocks, and anything else that might blind a person.
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Offline Alan F.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2010, 03:23:25 PM »
Full face always, imagine the effect touching the pavement with your chin might have on your teeth.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2010, 03:36:17 PM »
3/4 Face with flip shield.  I was never able to find a full face that worked well with glasses.  I am a believer in shields, clear or smoked, to protect the face from bugs, rocks, and anything else that might blind a person.
Open face with flat comp shield in smoke tint.  Worked OK when I ran through a swarm of bees at 80mph. Always wear gloves and a jacket and boots.

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2010, 03:38:20 PM »
I'm a little bit claustraphobic so I hate full face helmets and always have, so I bought an open face helmet but I got sick of getting whacked by some pretty bodacious bugs (and we've got a Locust plague looming this summer, so the last thing I need is a face full of Locust guts) and almost lost an eye when a golf ball size rock hit me. Also, the aerodynamics of my open face lid caused my glasses to lift off my nose slightly, which is not good as they're multi-focals.

So I bought a Nolan N102 a few years ago and it is the best of both worlds, I can just flip up the front if I want to have something to eat or drink or a smoke or to get some additional air on the run, I can leave my helmet on when I walk into a gas station, and it's nice to be able to flip the front up in heavy stop/start traffic to get some extra air, particularly as it's summer here, and getting warmer. Oh, and the Nolan is made in Italy, which is nice as a lot of "affordable" helmets are made in China nowadays, and I wouldn't trust a crappy Chinese helmet on my beautiful Aussie head.
I still like open face helmets, but as I get older and less bullet-proof, I've noticed that just falling down hurts nowadays, so I tend to cover myself with protective clothing like I never did before when I was younger, and had far greater super powers. Cheers, Terry. ;D    
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2010, 03:38:58 PM »
I have been wearing full face helmets since the late 70's, and yes my Bell Star did give me tunnel vision.  Later helmets that I have  were Arai and a HJC helmets, both comfortable and cool(temp wise) on the road.  A Shoie never seemed to fit my head right.  $300 and $100 helmets that have the DOT label are good choices.  Usually a more expensive one is more comfortable.  I change helmets every 2 to 3 years because they do wear out.  I ride 10 to 14k per year, I sweat and the liners will go.  Any style is better than no helmet IMO.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2010, 03:40:35 PM »
I used to only wear vintage 3/4 helmets but I have since saw the light.  Just picked up a new full face. 

Try keeping your chin off the pavement if you go down....

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2010, 03:44:51 PM »
Living in Ohio we have a choice to wear or not to wear one. But If you ride a bike you will wreck one and the first thing to hit the pavement or your handlebars will be your head.

Offline Duanob

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2010, 04:24:48 PM »
I'm thinking about a flip face because I wear glasses and it seems easier to put on. But I do have a 3/4 with a shield. The full face has limited vision. I'm always leaving the signals on because unless your head is tilted down you can't see the dash flasher.
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2010, 04:31:50 PM »
Simple physics ,,, I guarantee you if you go down in a side even at a slow speed say 30mph you will not have the strength to fight the forces keeping you head sliding along the pavement. Your neck is not strong enough to hold your head up off of the ground.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2010, 04:48:35 PM »
I like my open face with goggles for shorter rides but if i plan on riding further or spirited the full face goes on.  As it gets cooler the full face keeps my noggin warm.

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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2010, 04:50:56 PM »
have you ever seen teeth marks on a car's trunk?

I did, thankfully not mine. guess which helmet the rider was using.

Enough said.


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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2010, 04:58:00 PM »
I have worn those ugly beanie goofy ones the HD guys seem to like.  I hate it.

Then I got this one.

I love it, but it's very noisy, and doesn't offer much protection.

I currently wear this one.

But I also am going to get a full face.  I have an old full face that was my first helmet, but it's time to upgrade.  I should try to catch the sales of the old stock due to the new models coming in.  You know, try to get a good deal n' stuff.   :)
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2010, 05:04:17 PM »
Depends - following an accident, do you want your face to be full or... open?
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2010, 05:26:24 PM »
Depends - following an accident, do you want your face to be full or... open?
Ill remember that one.

Me: 3/4 open face for daily, in town or short haul rides. Freeway, long hauls rides: full face with flip-up chin/shield option.
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Re: Open face helmet or full face
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2010, 05:55:51 PM »
Full only, started with a Simpson back in the 70's and have always used a full face even though I live in PA and could ride without.  I must admit though when I test ride a bike up and down the street  I do not wear a helmet so I can hear the engine....Larry