Hey, Central Team,
I've sent the following message to other team leaders but since this my "home team" I thought I'd just post here and look for people who can help out with an assignment I have. And DonR, tried sending to you as PM but you don't come up in members.
Hi, Everyone,
I'm forum member Popwood and have been given a green light by editor Richard Backus of Motorcycle Classics magazine to contribute regular ride news and updates to the magazine web site in the form of a blog. This may or may not evolve into a magazine article as the ride ends, but it very well may.
I'm contacting you as regional leader to see if you could help me with some details that will get the ball rolling for ride the publicity opportunity with Motorcycle Classics. What I need are some members of your ride team who can feed me information and good photos (or decent photos) about their leg of ride. I'd like to get something for every state and province. I'd need to get the material in a timely framework, within a couple days of a given "legs" conclusion as I intent to post updates to the blog at least twice a week if not more frequently.
Just so you know, I'm simply volunteering to do this and my goal is to just get the word out about the ride specifically and the forum in general.
Can you help me out? I'd really appreciate hearing from you, especially those whose regions are starting in a week, very soon.
Should you want to call me, my cell phone is 513 304-3735. I'm in Eastern time zone.
Thanks for your help.
AKA Popwood