Buffets company Bershire hathaway has returned ...ON AVERAGE................22.9% PER YEAR since inception in the early 1950's. There is no close second.
No need for mutual funds and esp. no need for financial planners 99.97% of whom are mere salespeople peddling load (hi up front commissions) mutual funds and who are only interested in their commssions.
Next time someone tries to sell you their investmant garbage, ask em why not Buffets company.........then watch the reaction. Answer is because your investemnt guy makes no comission if you buy into Buffet.
And almost never, never, ever buy annuity. Annuites are 100% about how much commission the salesperson makes. And NEVER, NEVER NEVER, EVER buy an annuity in a retirement account like an IRA or a 401k
I know Ill get alot of flack on this..............but this solid investment advice. And I have nothing to sell and probably more fin. experience than everyone combined on this MB. Not knocking you guys though. Well almost as much combined

Real investemnt money is made slowly and over a lifetime.
Also, if any so called financial planner, rep, etc. from an insurance. company comes calling ... run for the F'ing hills......
Investing is not about how nice your fin. planner person is. Fin planners are worse than car sales people and if the planner is a friend or relative............tell em thanks but no thanks.