Author Topic: To leave my tank plain - or to scallop ? That is the question...............  (Read 3714 times)

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Offline ProTeal55

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As the topic says , I am up in the air on what to do with my new tank...

I sprayed it in the "Suede" style, and am happy with how it turned out. I was bored the other night,
and real quick like did some scallops with some pinstripping tape I had left over. Just something quick to get an
idea of how a proper job might look..

I am kinda liking the idea of having the tank with maybe some orange or green scallops, to break up the
black on the bike. Either just a outline , or actually have the whole scallop a solid color...

Anyone have an opinion ???
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 04:18:59 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline GroovieGhoulie

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I thought you meant knee scallops.

Offline cbjunkie

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do you mean knee indents??? i thought you'd given up on that idea!   :D

here's mine right now...well, that is, a few weeks ago - it has a lot more primer on it now which has covered over the bondo bleeds - i'll hit it with some sealer and then i'm going for the suede look! you said duplicolor right?

i'm into the fiberglass seat base right now - getting a mock-up and a mold to form it over - gotta hurry, it's getting warmer!

1971 750K1
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Offline cbjunkie

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once more - from the top...
1971 750K1
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Plain.  Black is beautiful.

Offline Bob Wessner

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I prefer the clean look myself, but be advised, my wife says all my taste is in my mouth.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline GroovieGhoulie

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What year tank is that anyway?

Offline cbjunkie

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1971 750K1
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Offline bill440cars

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1st off, I don't know what happened but, I posted a reply right after CBj. Anyway, here goes again.


               Personally, I like the design you laid out with the tape. As far as whether to fill in the
     scallops or not, I just don't know what to tell you about that. I like them both ways. I feel like it
     all depends on the bike design, the color of the tank and all. I wish I had more to offer.

  CBj, I really like the way your bike your bike is turning out real well also. I really like that gas tank!

           I think it's really something that several people can be building bikes and they all are
     different but, at the same time, they are all something to behold. I hope to use ideas from
     several of them, when I build my bikes ( you guys don't mind). The only feature I'm afraid to try   
     is the Paulages gas tank knee inserts. I'd probably ruin several of them and never get it right.

       I feel like I've been here before, wait I have (you guys just never saw it I guess). Later on, Bill
                                                             :) ;) :D
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Offline KCs76Cafe

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I'd say plain.........but if it was me I think maybe some silver ghost flames or scallops would look good....on that color paint.

CBJ.....that tank is looking good. I might try and find an old tank to beat around on and see if I can do something similar.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 07:54:39 PM by KCs76Cafe »

Offline needswork

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Proteal, I think a solid constrasting colour would be very cool. But it's your bike man. Whatever you do, you're the only one it's got to satisfy.

CBjunkie, that is an awesome tank.
'78 CB 550K fixer-upper. The bike needs work, I sure don't!

Offline Japbikemike

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No flames, just Yellow/Black checks, saw it on an airport truck in St. Martens, trying to find something worthy of the pattern.  Be BOLD.
"Whats my favorite bike?  The one I'm on Pal, the one I'm on."---Tom Dobson

Offline bill440cars

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                 Well, how about it there ProTeal, are you still debating on which way to go with the tank?
          I personally think what you did, the night you were bored, might have been an indication of
          what you should do. You laid out a nice pattern on that tank. I gotta tell you, your bike is one
          to watch also. I've been following Paulages, like you and others including yours and would like to
          see more photos. You see, I'm still gathering ideas from the bikes you guys are building and
          trying to merge them with mine. I probably won't get a good start on mine until summer. I've
          got too many things going and something called "Honey Do" projects. I should be able to
          whittle them down so that I can start on My project. Keep up the good work and with the
          style of bike you're going after, I feel the scallops would fit right in. Enough said, as it has been       
          by needswork, it is your bike and we can only make suggestions.   Later on, Bill :) ;) :D
Member # 1969
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Offline ProTeal55

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i'll hit it with some sealer and then i'm going for the suede look! you said duplicolor right?
Duplicolor low-gloss engine enamel is the trick...Do lots of light coats- let dry completely - do a light sanding - then repeat...I used two cans of the stuff  ;D
do you mean knee indents??? i thought you'd given up on that idea! :D
I would love some knee inserts, but I can't destroy this tank, it is too nice.
And with the term "destroy" , I mean my first attempt at banging in knee inserts... ::)
I gotta tell you, your bike is one
to watch also. I've been following Paulages, like you and others including yours and would like to
see more photos.
I plan to do some more small things to my scoot this weekend - such as pull the gauges off , drill some more speed holes, etc.. I am trying to keep my new gallery updated with whatever pics I can as they are taken. Once my front-end get on the bike (looks badass) I will post some pics of that as well...
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline bill440cars

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     CBjunkie and Paulages,

                                You guys really have a knack when it comes to pounding in those knee inserts.
                I wish more of us did. Those gas tanks are really a piece of work and yet both are different
                from each other. Like ProTeal, I really like the look but, not convinced that I could carry it
                out. Later on, Bill :) ;)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Leave it plain. There are enough bikes with flames out there.



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What Raul said

Offline martini

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Teal - I really like the plain clean look - for my money its a more classic timeless look. The scallops look great but I wonder if you will still like them in 5 years? ???

Junkie - bike is looking sweet - if I send you a tank will you pound it for me? Just kidding.  ;)

Can't wait to see the finished product from both of you.

Offline cbjunkie

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lots of light coats - i probably have 8 or so of just the primer so far - it's the sandable sort and i'm not really in too much of a hurry as i want it to come out right - i'll definitely be doing that duplicolor suede look - that is tough...

thanks for the compliments, guys - i would gladly refine my technique on your tank martini - though i'm fairly happy with the way the front edge came out, i'm not so happy with the extra weight the bondo added...but it's not like huge pounds or anything, just in retrospect i would have tried to find some of that lightweight material that was discussed last week had i known about it...

started sanding down the sidecovers last week - left side was easy, but the PO of the right side (an e-Bay find) had freakin' DIPPED the damn thing in gloss black paint! i literally chipped paint off around the oil filler neck portion of the cover - with a chisel!  :D :D and still more handsanding to go - it's the only way  :P

1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
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Offline ProTeal55

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lots of light coats - i probably have 8 or so of just the primer so far - it's the sandable sort and i'm not really in too much of a hurry as i want it to come out right - i'll definitely be doing that duplicolor suede look - that is tough...
Ya, just take your time and your tank will come out kick-ass..
I am actually thinking about stripping mine and re-doing it. There are a few spots that
I am not happy with.

So it looks like the general population agrees with me to keep the tank plain...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 11:03:30 AM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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I painted my tank a flat 'suede' black last weekend. I love the way it looks, simple.

what are speed holes?

Offline ProTeal55

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what are speed holes?
"Speed Holes" is a term coined by Mr. Homer Simpson  ;D
On a episode the used car dealer said that the holes in the hood of the car Homer was looking to buy were for "speed" , when actually they were from rust. It was just funny becasue the dealer was trying to cover the fact that the car ws a piece-o-crap...

I am drilling holes in everything I can on the bike, being careful not to reduce the strength of
any critical parts. I like the look of it (industrial), plus it takes weight outta the bike. So far I have drilled the kick starter, shifter pedal, brake pedal, etc..
As you know --> Less weight = Faster Bike  ;D
« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 02:33:56 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline cbjunkie

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1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.

Offline Bob Wessner

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Looks like one FAST piece of cheese there.  ;D
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline ProTeal55

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Is it sad that you took the time to find that pic, save it, and then post it CBJ ?
That cheese reminds me of the tiny rust-pinholes on that one tank of yours... ;D
Damn............... :o ;D :o

All in good fun of course buddy............
« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 02:49:19 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline cbjunkie

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1971 750K1
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sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
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once more - from the top...

Is that the tank I sold you???

Another cool way to do the knee indents is to weld a 3/8 piece of round stock to the tank in the pattern you want and then start pounding with a rounded body hammer. Then cut of the round stock and finish her up. I will be doing a CB 500 tank here shortly and will post pics.


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Teal you could do something real sick and do some brushed engraving in the tank scallop area and then Kandy color over it in multiple colors. This really makes the Kandy colors go BANG. Just a sick effect. Becareful not to over do it. I believe this very technique was used by OCC on the David Mann bike.

Offline ProTeal55

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Teal you could do something real sick and do some brushed engraving in the tank scallop area and then Kandy color over it in multiple colors. This really makes the Kandy colors go BANG. Just a sick effect.
I was thinking about doing some "ingraving" on the tank, and see how it turns out.
Thats what isnice about rattlecan jobs, then can always be re-done...
I am going to have another rare "girlfriend free" weekend comming up ,which will give me some
time to mess with the bike...
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends