Ya. Some people think because you can write what ever you want on these forums, automatically makes them God right? Hahahaha. Oh well.
Thanks man. Wow! That video feels like 10yrs ago... Hahaha. Yet that was 2-3 summers ago.. Hahaha.
I really dig the acewell gauge. But! I will admit there are two issues I don't like.
One. I could never get the oil light to go off after the bike is running. I know my oil levels are correct. Lol i cross checked with rewiring the old oil light back up ... On with the engine off.. Off once the engine is running. But won't do that with the acewell.. Tried running the wires both ways. No luck.
Two... As you pointed out, the tac is not only slow. Its not acurate. I've played with many different methods, but this seems to be the closest one that works. Now! I just heard theres a old timer that works out of his basement an hour away from me, that knows how to get this acewell tac singing like fat lady on stage. I may take a ride over there some day when the bike is back on the road, pick his brain.
Got a build going on that 550? No worries, I won't lay hate ... Hahaha.