When the 550 was in it. They bike rides really good. Compared to all my bikes I have and have had. This girl is really a joy. To be honest. Its a trouble maker. Lol hard to ride it slow. Hahaha.
It really can't be compared to a stock bike mostly because so much has changed. Its not really even in the same ball park anymore. Its like comparing a base model 911 to a road touring race version. Lol yes I know it's only a 550cc bike, but you wouldn't know it while riding.
Having a suspension that's tuneable makes a big difference as well. Sucks up the road without transmitting a lot of indifferences to the rider. Also having a bike built specifically to my size, my ergonomics, my style plays a key element. Being lower in the bike also makes the rider and bike feel like one. Don't feel top heavy like I did when it was stock.
So many people think they're being funny when they joke about how uncomfortable it "must be". But, its far from uncomfortable. When a bike is set up exactly how you are built. It should never be uncomfortable. Took a 750km (466miles) road trip in one day. And never got tired or uncomfortable unlike some other guys.
I have ridden many sport bikes. And I guess it feels much like one. Only better in my opinion, but then again. I'm pretty biased. Lol
Can't wait to feel this new motor this summer.