My buddy found a ratty 750 a few years back, made a deal for it.
They fiddled with the wiring, fixed the seat, cleaned carbs, got it running.. rode it about 30 or 40 miles..
I got out there end of Aug 09, fiddled with it half a day, put a mag on front, sprocket, cleaned front brake, added a single saddlebag, and loaded up the bike..
Left Calgary Alberta at 6pm.. by 8pm the next eveningI was in Shoshone Idaho (near Twin Falls)

.. my first ride in over 18 months. It ran pretty good, except the mc weeped a bit (that cleared up), and I had to change the rear tire and chain.. Ran great rest of the trip...
Still runs great, ride it nearly everyday, missed about 10 days last winter, and stopped riding it a few months this summer and part of fall. Started riding it again in November, and ride it nearly every day..
A lot of people are surprised that I took it on that trip, and ride it so much.. I am not.. I trust them, from decades of owning them. Until you experience (firsthand)how reliable they really can be, it is hard to trust them to the point I do.. They are not all like that, but most are, or could easily be..