So I've been sniffing around trying to find the proper replacement idle jets for my cb550. I believe my bike is a tad lean in this range judging from the plugs, that and the fact it's a little difficult to start, even more so when it's cold.
I haven't been able to find any replacements other than jets-r-us, and even then they require you cut 4mm from the butt end before they'll fit.
I was fiddling with some early 750 carbs I just got in the mail, the ones with the screw on top. What's the model designation here? Turns out these idle jets, keihin size 40, are a direct fit to the CB550 carbs, the 067's. I can now up my jets by one size, but I'd like to have at least 2 more for high elevation riding. I'd like to refrain from having to get the jets-r-us items and modding them.
Has anyone else found early style 750 or 067 carb idle jets for sale that don't need modding to fit?