Author Topic: First attempt @ building a Cafe('74 CB 550 four) Looking for Guidance! Pic added  (Read 9950 times)

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Offline Syscrush

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I have the stock forks, working on rebuilding them took them apart last night and cleaned them up, other than new fork seals, is it recommended to replace any other parts on them?  they were in pretty rough shape
If it's not too late, I strongly recommend getting some Race Tech Cartridge Emulators in there.  Makes a night & day difference on the damping of the front end.  Pretty much the best thing you can do for a bike with damping rod forks, IMO.  It's the best value for dollar of just about any mod in my limited experience.  In the words of Johnny Cash: "It only costs a dime, just a nickel a shoe, it does a million dollars worth of good for you." :)

Also looking for a good Powder coater that can do some work for me for a GOOD price otherwise i will go the spray can route, which I am sure will be cheaper but wont look as good, depending on the time i put into it I guess. seen alot of people go this route and it look pretty good!
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FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline brettster26

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Yeah my girlfriend was already giving me #$%* and it was my first day having the polishing wheel!

Offline apex_seeking

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It only gets worse. I started out by taking the finish off my f'd up controls and next thing I know I'm looking around my house to se what will polish up real nice. It's a slippery slope.

That said, it looks awesome.

Looking forward to some pics!

Offline brettster26

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I bought the 6" one from Harbor freight, any suggestions of how to get in the tight places where the bolts go on the chain guard?  Would i have to use a dremel or something smaller?  just wondering if there were any tricks out there.


Offline apex_seeking

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If you can find them, rubber polishing bits for a dremel work amazing.They come with bullet and pointed tips to reach all those hard to get spots. Unfortunately, HF stopped selling them by my house and I can't find any on their web site.

Offline brettster26

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Hey anyone,
  I am looking for some headlight brackets?  Anyone know where I can get a good pair?  i believe the CB550 have 35mm forks...

Let me know

Offline FunJimmy

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Hey anyone,
  I am looking for some headlight brackets?  Anyone know where I can get a good pair?  i believe the CB550 have 35mm forks...

Let me know

Are you looking for stock headlight brackets or would you be interested in making your own?
Check my build blog (second page) for a easy but effective alternative to stock brackets.

BTW, your photos are no longer showing up.

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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline brettster26

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   I looked at your Headlight mount, Looks Awesome, but I dont have any equipment to bend, cut or weld any metal so unless it is bolt on, I will not be able to do it correctly... unless i have someone else do it, Where do you live?  I am using the standard 35mm CB550 forks, so if you have extra time... How much would you charge?

Let me know.

Offline FunJimmy

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The headlight mounts that I was thinking, are the ones fastened with the T-bolts and plate aluminum.
On the second page.

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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline brettster26

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Jimmy did you follow anything special doing the carbon fiber rear fender?  I want to do my seat pan and cafe style seat in fiberglass with the carbonfiber overlay (just for looks) but, from what i hear carbon fiber is a B### to deal with?  I am getting ahead of myself but getting ideas is part of the fun!  I do like your idea of the front headlight mount... might steal that one and have some fun with it.

Offline FunJimmy

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Jimmy did you follow anything special doing the carbon fiber rear fender?  I want to do my seat pan and cafe style seat in fiberglass with the carbonfiber overlay (just for looks) but, from what i hear carbon fiber is a B### to deal with?  I am getting ahead of myself but getting ideas is part of the fun!  I do like your idea of the front headlight mount... might steal that one and have some fun with it.


All I did was substitute fiberglass cloth with Carbon Fiber cloth. It is a bit fussy to work with because it’s so delicate, but other than that, it’s a piece of cake. On the seat I also added Kevlar cloth for added strength. Now Kevlar is a tough cloth to work with because you need very sharp scissors to cut it. Once the piece is cured, no problem cutting with a Dremel tool and sanding to finish.

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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline OneWheelDrive

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It looks like you may have a Dyna ignition under that points cover, at least it's the same wire sleeve as the Dyna I had.  That would be a nice surprise.  Good luck with the build!
1975 CB550 cafe
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Offline apex_seeking

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Jimmy, where did you score the clamps?

Sorry about the thread jack. :P

Offline FunJimmy

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Jimmy, where did you score the clamps?

Sorry about the thread jack. :P

Local industrial hydraulic supplier, but search ebay for T-bolt clamps.
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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline brettster26

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  Do you think you could do the same thing with the Headlight bucket?  Since I want to paint the bike or atleast the tank a Polished metallic metal kinda a gun metal grey (color of my '09 accord) I think it would be cool to have the other parts carbon fiber looking... similar to what you did with the fender but do both the front fender, back fender Cafe bump seat, and headlight bucket... Just throwing it out there! maybe i should keep my ideas to myself so i dont see them on here before i do it  :-\


Offline brettster26

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I have the stock forks, working on rebuilding them took them apart last night and cleaned them up, other than new fork seals, is it recommended to replace any other parts on them?  they were in pretty rough shape
If it's not too late, I strongly recommend getting some Race Tech Cartridge Emulators in there.  Makes a night & day difference on the damping of the front end.  Pretty much the best thing you can do for a bike with damping rod forks, IMO.  It's the best value for dollar of just about any mod in my limited experience.  In the words of Johnny Cash: "It only costs a dime, just a nickel a shoe, it does a million dollars worth of good for you." :)

Also looking for a good Powder coater that can do some work for me for a GOOD price otherwise i will go the spray can route, which I am sure will be cheaper but wont look as good, depending on the time i put into it I guess. seen alot of people go this route and it look pretty good!

   where do i go to get these (Race Tech Cartridge Emulators)?  And exactly what do they do?  This is my first ever motorcycle build so i dont know all the high tech stuff... Let me know!

Offline FunJimmy

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  Do you think you could do the same thing with the Headlight bucket?  Since I want to paint the bike or atleast the tank a Polished metallic metal kinda a gun metal grey (color of my '09 accord) I think it would be cool to have the other parts carbon fiber looking... similar to what you did with the fender but do both the front fender, back fender Cafe bump seat, and headlight bucket... Just throwing it out there! maybe i should keep my ideas to myself so i dont see them on here before i do it  :-\


You could make a carbon headlight bucket, but I would think it would be the most difficult of them all because you would need a 2 piece mold do to the intricate shape. My headlight bucket is a Buell M2 item but the Buell S1/X1 uses the exact same bucket that Ducati Monsters have and I know you can find a carbon fiber headlight bucket for Ducati's. Don't ask how I know.
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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline brettster26

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Well, Jimmy if you find one that will fit on a 75 CB550 let me know.  Otherwise i will be waiting to build one once the bike is back together.

Thanks good idea!

Offline luap

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good luck on your build,Pacients very first then  First thing I would get would be a clymer book even before the forks, for your fork pick if the springs are sagging some new springs  if your going to run the short fork seal covers the dime city cycle ones suck, go to honda its a more durable rubber,
imo,  the only spray can paint would be primer  you can get a 2 quarts of paint hardener an clea coat for approx 80.00 an get a small detail gun from harbor frieght for 12.00 you can make your own spray booth with 1/2pvc an shower cutrains for 30.00, for your polishing parts if they are really bad chemical stripping to get the crap off then steel wool. or go to harbor fright again an get the small air toold an hook up a polishing wheel, some of the parts on the bikes can be polished on a bench grinder with a wire wheel handle bars make your own if your going with a straight drag bar 3 bucks for some scrap 7/8 at a metal shop. carbs id get rebuilds, an for cleaning them boil them boil in simple green with some degreaser, you can do it with your pistons also getsem super clean. top end rebuild kit vesrah if your pulling your valves bench grinder with wire wheels takes the 30yr old carbon right off, if any of your piston rings are broke cheapest ive found them so far 29.95 a set, if your tank is rusty inside chemical dip nickle plate to seal heard the tank sealer over time breaks down. enough rambling from me.. good luck on the build.
75-550 ffsc sold, 78-550 diamonte sold, 125s grasshopper sold, 76-550 puma sold, 78-550 tracker sold, 74-550 verde diablo Sold, 74-550 Noemani finished trying to sell. 72 500 hartail in the works
"I dont need a bike covered in paint an chrome I know exactally bout how big my coc( is"

Offline brettster26

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   Sorry to keep asking you about the headlight mounts, but the aluminum you used, did you buy it as a bent 90 degree piece?  Or what?  Trying to figure out how i could do something like this or where i could get the pieces, also what size t-bolts did you use with enough rooom to bolt the aluminum to them.... Sorry, just never done something like this before.  Any direction would be AWESOME!

Offline FunJimmy

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The angle aluminum was just some stuff I found at the local recycler.
You can find all kinds of different profiles at the metal supermarket in your area.
Try to find a profile that is 1/8" thick and at least 2" wings.
That will give you lots of design options.

As for the T-bolts, I just went to a local hydraulic hose supplier and looked at the ones that best suited my needs, but remember I was fitting to a 43mm R6 fork so your size may vary. Once all was bolted together and I was satisfied with the results, I cut the excess bolt length off the T-bolt calmp to clean it up a bit.

Hope that helps
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CB550 Cafe Interceptor a Gentlemans Roadster

Offline brettster26

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   So want to buy Brake pads front and back, Ideally i would like to modernize them and put new sport bike calipers on, but for my first build and the lack of experience with fabricating could use some suggestions on stock brake pads / shoes for both the front and back!  

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 07:34:04 AM by brettster26 »

Offline brettster26

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First attempt at polishing  a before and after look didnt take a pic of what the actual part looked like but kinda looked like the rear break cover...

Offline apex_seeking

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Looks good. Have you started looking at how many things you can polish on your bike yet?

I just had to pull myself away from my fork lowers earlier today. *no more polishing, no more polishing, no more polishing*

Offline brettster26

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New Tires and brake suggestions???? stock spoke rims need some suggestions on tires! HELP!  This is one of the next thinks i need to buy!