I've just had the past 16 days off on holiday, I'm sure I would have heard if the prison burned down while I wasn't there.

Very unusual for me to get both Xmas and New Year off, the boss must either like me a lot or be happy to be rid of me for a few weeks!

(as the union Chairman I'm thinking it's the latter)

Every day, blue sky, get up have breakfast with Jaffa before she goes to work, go to my gym and do a workout, a little house work (just to prove I am slightly useful) then whell out the 650 and go exploring.
I don't know how many miles I've done, never thought to check the meter 16 days ago, all I know is I've loved it.
My 31 year old CB650PZ never missed a beat, required only a clutch cable replacement and did me proud on the motorways.
I was thinking of betting another bike, now I'm thinking it would have to be an additional bike to my "Blondie".
As a decoy cop bike I've been responsible (just by my presence) for untold lazy people putting their seat belts on (it's the law here) and many dropped phones (talking/texting while driving is also unlawful) and made a few hot heads slow down so we don't reach 400 killed on our New Zealand roads this year.
All in all I've had a great break from work and now I'm quite happy to go back to let someone else take some leave.
Enjoy your riding, stay safe, watch them bloody cars...Hush.