The southern/western Wisconsin leg appears to be shaping up as follows: ZanVooden is coming west from Mad City on Tuesday August 2nd. I will meet him in Prairie du Chien and we'll take the Terrible Lizard north to La Crosse and points north and west. We need to designate a meet with our Minnesota riders.
Gophers, all you guys are from the Cities area -- how far south do you want to ride to meet up? We Badgers don't have a route in Minnesota planned out, but could easily take the scenic route on the east side of the River north from La Crosse through Alma, Stockholm and on to Red Wing. Accolay, srust58, 750, vance and Motoguy23, let us know what you're thinking.
ZanVooden, will you have the SOHC4 Banner? Should we stop at Two Bothers Honda, or just buzz into La Crosse for a quick photo on the river at the Big Indian statue (or the Big Sunfish statue, or some other hokey local monument)? If there are just two or three of us, we might consider the latter, and plan on a more elaborate stop in 2012. I decided to take vacation Tuesday and Wednesday the 2nd and 3rd. I sure hope that dovetails with everybody else -- I can't change it again.