Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

hot pipes

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Alan F.:
Definitely use that ohm meter to check all of your coil windings, primaries and secondaries, measure cold,  it'd be a shame to find out later on that one of your coils had an intermittant condition. And also be certain to unscrew the plug caps and trim back the wires a bit then screw the caps back on.

Sandcast 2356:
Thanks a ton for all yall's help, yet, I still wait on my new points, I really don't want to mess with my carbs until I get some working points in there. BTW, how does one adjust the float height??? Sorry, but I'm new to all this stuff as I have said many many times before.

At WFO throttle/high speed the carbs are all the same, wide open. But at lower throttle settings, the carbs will show that they are outta balance. That's probably you prob? Set the timing on the points perfect, gap... close. Get the carbs to lift together. You can do it with them in your hand and get them really close if you practice, that is the highest maintainance except for the chain ;-(
I never run any engine above 7krpm for a long time but I have flogged many a 750 well past 11k for a gear or two ;-)/ They say that they won't live long above 8500 and I've never held that rpm for any length of time on a 750 (I have on a 350k though, great bikes) but I have floated the points and valves at 10k or so on a 750. Bent 5 on a 55mph downshift to 2nd once. LOLLOLLOL Gotta love thoise Hondas, ehh?

Sandcast 2356:
so....I can adjust the float heights by twisting the thread of the shaft of the carbeurator piston-looking thingys???

Bob Wessner:
No, no! With the bowl off the carb(s) you'll notice the floats pivot between two posts. Coming off the float assembly is a flat metal tab, or tang some call it. This extends out to the float valve needle. This tab presses against the float needle and seats it as the fuel level in the bowl increases, which closes the float valve and prevents more fuel from entering from the fuel lines. How far the tops of the floats are from the edge of the carb body is the float height. On your bike the float height is 26mm. If the height needs to be adjusted, it is done by gently bending the metal tab one way or the other depending on whether you want to necrease the height, or decrease the height. When doing the measurement, the carb body should be held at an angle so the metal tab from the float is just barely touching the tip of the float needle. The reason for the 'just barely toucching' is the float needle contains a spring mechanism and if you allow the tab to rest too heavily on the end of the needle while trying to measure/adjust the float height, you will compress the spring inside the needle and get an inaccurate float height.


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