I've been on vacation for the past week and haven't done a single thing on the bike but I thought I'd share what I did on the tail end of my time off. I spent it working on 75 foot metal sailboat in Tulsa OK. It's called SV Seeker and Doug, the owner, has quite a following on YouTube. Check him out
here. I emailed him in February asking him if I could be a part of his build crew and he accepted.
I've been working since Friday doing just one of the many tasks still remaining on this ship. When it's done, it'll be transported via custom transport structures that Doug is making (think moving a house) and it'll be moved to the furthest inland port in the US: the Port of Catoosa. From there, it's 18 locks and 1000 miles away from the Gulf. It's going to be a research vessel chartered by universities or anyone with an adventure in mind. Doug and his girlfriend Betsy are incredibly wonderful people and it's truly been a great time working down here. I still have this evening and a bit of work tomorrow but thought I'd share just a few photos of what I've seen down here so far.
I've been welding in some nuts that will hold down equipment to the deck which I thought was super clever. I'll get some pics of my work later, right now we're avoiding the mid day heat but we'll get back out there this evening and finish up.
SV Seeker:

My work. The holes in the deck hide some large threaded nuts that will let equipment be attached to the deck for whatever may require it.

Doug overseeing the arrival of his new set of wheels for the transporter.

It's been fun. He's always looking for more help so check out his
website and sign up to be a part of this massive project.