Thats what I'm thinking too. Aluminum headers, no probably not. The first bend would receive tremendous heat and pressure and would certainly crumble and blow out in short order.
Here are a few mock-up pics I took this afternoon. I'm digging the long straight pipes and will probably build a set, but the short alum. extensions replacing the crossover chamber with a simple H-pipe are the general plan. I wonder what diameter the crossover needs to be?
I think a little research is in order, I've seen automotive H-pipes where the same diameter tubing is used for the crossover as the pipes themselves...but I've also seem CMX450 pipes where the crossover is more like 1/2 to 2/3 of the pipes' diameter. Hell I could probably thread in some brass compression fittings and use a fat brake line for a crossover...
I've flat blacked my rusty tins on this bike, the tank on it is garbage too, a buddy has a yellow Hawk tank I'll be using. Thanks for offering the rechromed bits though I'm a bit far and this bike's a semi-rat, maybe offer them up at the hondatwins sites? (.com and .net) lots of us here go there too, familliar names everywhere.
oops forgot pics...