With respect, the K1 thru' K5 has a separate headlight on/off switch and the 'start' button is a 2-wire deal.
I think the poster has a K5.... maybe the h/l on/off is bad or the 'stop' switch which passes power from the Black to the Black/White ?
The fuses need replacing and the fuse clips need to be cleaned and polished ( I'd do that for sure, anyway
. More likely IMO.
Sadly, it's more complicated that that for the K5 owners, it goes like this:
K0-K2: the right-hand handlebar switch has an OFF/LO/HI switch for the headlight. Nice and simple!

K3-K5 up to 3/75 build (or so) have an OFF/ON on the right side, with a HI/LO on the left side. Not terribly complex (except they came in several wiring colors schemes...).

K5 after that, and those retitled as K6, may have either the K3-K5 arrangement or the F0-F1 arrangement with no OFF switch on the right side, having a little plastic cover on the switch slot instead. Even some K4 bikes were set up this way: not a lot of them, though.

To confuse things a little more:
On the K3-K5 bikes with the ON/OFF switch on the right, some have a 2-wire START and some have a 3-wire START button. Of the ones that have a 3-wire START, there may be EITHER: 2 BLK/WHT wires coming from the right hand switches to the headlight bucket, OR, one BLK/WHT wire and one BLK/YEL wire instead. Both of these are fed from the BLK in the headlight, and some bikes have 1 BLK wire feed going up into the handlebars (2-wire START) while others have 2 (3-wire START).
The difference is:
If 2 BLK/WHT wires appear, one is coming from the RUN/OFF switch, and one is from the relaxed side of the START button. The former is for the coils, the latter for the middle fuse of the fusebox, which comes back to the headlight bucket and goes up to the left HI/LO switch, where it returns as BRN/WHT, or sometimes with a RED stripe instead. (This caused much consternation when we were assembling these bikes new, as Honda did not document this setup, and if connected wrongly, caused the RUN/OFF switch to operate the headlight...). In a few cases, a BLK/WHT might also have a little YEL collar around the wire near the connector, which was Honda's "signal" to us as to which BLK/WHT went to the fuseblock.
(A side note: in these bikes, the color of the BLK/YEL in the main harness becomes BRN before it reaches the middle fuse clips, returning as BRN to the headlight, enroute to the HI/LO switch).
If one is BLK/WHT and one is BLK/YEL, the arrangement is simpler to figure out: the BLK/WHT goes to the coils and the other to the middle fuse of the fuseblock, for the headlight circuit. In the K6 and early F0 bikes, this BLK/YEL wire might also be found to be BLK/RED, so watch for that, too.
Pretty simple...