Author Topic: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F  (Read 8695 times)

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Offline RSchaefer

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Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:36:48 AM »
I am a newbie to your forum but have looked at it many times in the past.  I apologize if I started in the wrong location but it seemed right as I am looking to restore the bike.

I have a blue '75, 750F that I have been storing for 15 years.  I owned one of the 1st ones in '69 and road it in the Air Force, eventually chopped it and road it for several years thereafter.  I bought one of the 1st Gold Wing's in '75 and my main ride now (5th Gold Wing) is an '05.

Anyway I am looking to restore the CB750F and this appears to be the right place to start, this forum.

The 750 is really in great shape in that not much was modified from stock and I think it only has like 800 miles on the engine.  The original owner bought it in Texas, drove it to work, and eventually bought a Gold Wing.  When I got the 750 it had been laying in the original owners backyard here in Phoenix on its side.  I had purchased his old Gold Wing and he threw in the 750 for free.

I did get the 750 running eventually as the carbs/tank were solid varnish.  The three obvious issues are the left lower case (alternator cover I think) is cracked where it impacted the ground, which was typical without case guards, the left plastic side cover is shattered into maybe 4 pieces, and there is a dent in the tank.  The bike is suffering somewhat as it sat in the AZ sun for sometime, so the tank, seat, gauges are somewhat faded, but not to bad.

I am a reasonable wrench, worked in a Honda shop in '64-'65, and did all of my own work on the CB750 in '69 as there were not to many technicians trained on the 750 in those days.  I use to pull wheelies on the 750 and while up, shifted between 1st & 2nd and eventually blew out the dogs between 4th & 5th.  The local shop in North Texas had never worked on the motor so I pulled the motor, split the case and replaced, I think, 4th gear and got her back on the road.  I currently do all of my own work on the 1800.

So as a project I am thinking I want to maintain as much of the original as possible, but upgrade problematic and/or modern components that improve the overall performance (not racing) and safety of the machine.  So I am certain that all or most of my questions have been asked and answered many times on the forum but I just did not know where to start.

1.  Restore as stock or utilize performance upgrades - I assume with the large number of these motorcycles available in the market that the cost associated with doing it pure stock would not justify the price if sold?  And in my case I want to ride it for several years.

2.  Should I try and replace the lower left engine cover or have the aluminum welded/polished?

3.  I see after-market replacement plastic side covers available, would that be the way to go on my shattered side cover (black)?

4.  I am assuming there are several options to replace the points, what manufacturer do you recommend?  I am assuming this would be the coils as well?

5.  I am thinking about replacing the stock carbs as the throttle adjustment on these guys were always problematic.  Is there a trouble free, low cost solution to the stock 4-carb setup?  The newer 750's went to a bar and cam throttle system that eliminated the 4 cable into one system, would this be a better way to go to maintain the stock look?  What would you recommend?

6.  The stock tank is dented and rusty, should I have it repaired as I am going to do a re-paint anyway, or try to find a replacement?

7.  The stock bike is blue but I really like the Andres Red.  What about the issue of changing the bike from its original color to an obvious color that was not done in that year?

8.  While there may be some businesses here in Phoenix that would be capable of matching Honda paint, upholstery, etc., who might you recommend (probably in California) who could do the re-paint (stock stripping) and recover the stock seat (stock look)?

9.  What other forums, books, manufactures, E-bay, places should I go to?  There is a very large bone-yard here in Phoenix (Bob's Used Cycle) and I remember walking through an 18-wheeler trailer filled with several hundred 750 motors one day over in their yard, so I'm sure I could find, hopefully stock parts if I needed to.

Thank you for responding and again I apologize if I stepped into the wrong forum.  I am a local home inspector and take digital pictures of defects, upload, etc.  I have done several projects on my '05 Gold Wing and uploaded and posted to their forum so I would be happy to document the resulting project if this benefits others!
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline tango911

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 06:44:00 AM »
There are some experts on here that could answer your questions and could answer better with a few pics of your bike.   It all depends on what you want to ride and how much you have in your budget for the restore/build.  Im doing a restore but on a budget of about $1000  after i sell the parts that are left over from my parts bike and boxes of parts.   Some have spent 5-6k. 

ill be watching, good luck,
1969 Honda Dream 305 (black)
1974 Mach III kawi 500 smoker
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Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 07:05:08 AM »
Thanks Tango911!  I will get it out from its hiding place in the next few weeks and post some pictures.

Here is my signature from my 1800 forum, looks like we have had some similar rides!

05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline tango911

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2011, 07:13:47 AM »
Thanks Tango911!  I will get it out from its hiding place in the next few weeks and post some pictures.

Here is my signature from my 1800 forum, looks like we have had some similar rides!

05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red

very cool about the sandcast and the "DREAM!!!"   mine is black as well  ill pm you a pic.
1969 Honda Dream 305 (black)
1974 Mach III kawi 500 smoker
K2 (project)
K2 Original fixer up
K0 original fixer up
2006 CRF250R

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2011, 11:35:48 AM »
I've been collecting parts for my restore/rebuild/HiPo on my 75 CB750F Candy Sapphire Blue for 4 years and I'm currently building the engine. PM me with specific questions and I'll try to help. I pretty much know all parts that are available and what's not plus where you might find them. I can't find hen's teeth either. Can't help much now, I'm at work 150 miles from my desk and catalogues.

Rally Coordinator
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 06:54:32 AM »
I picked up this Sales Brochure for the CB750F & CB550F on EBay.  Candy Sapphire Blue on the front cover.
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 06:59:38 AM »
This is kind of what I am shooting for:
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 07:19:01 AM by AccuPro »
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline fastbroshi

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2011, 04:42:43 AM »
That is a minty looking bike, very nice.
Just call me Timmaaaaay!!!

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2011, 09:57:34 AM »
SRust58 - looks beautiful.

Couple of questions.

1.  What is the red material that runs along the bottom of the seat - plastic trim in color?

2.  Did the back of the seat say HONDA from the factory?  I have not been able to see a shot of the back of the seat.

'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2011, 03:32:48 PM »
It does say Honda on the back of the seat and the seat trim is a chrome band with a painted stripe or it could be some type of pinstripe material.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 03:34:39 PM by srust58 »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2011, 06:30:21 AM »
OK I see many postings where things are moving along pretty fast and others that are allot slower.  I think I am going to be the one moving slower.

What I have done so far:
- I purchased the original sales brochure from EBay ($40.19)
- I purchased Mark Paris' book ($93.70)
- I contacted the Joseph Levesque for the new plastic side covers and intend to order ($71)
- I contacted ColorRite and they do have the Candy Blue Sapphire paint (three part process)
- I found that a person I know (Stu Oltman) through the gold wing club is the best CB750 wrench around
- I found the tank stripes and decals at KNKCycles for $80
- This looks like the way to go on the stock set cover on EBay for $61.56 (

I got in behind my garage to finally look at the bike after 7-years:
- The mileage is 11,295, not 800 like I thought
- The dent on the tank is not as bad as I thought it was
- Everything looks pretty good
- Both side covers are cracked so getting the set from Joseph is the ticket
- The alternator cover is dented slightly at the bottom corner and I know it was leaking
- I confirmed the back of the seat does say HONDA (some internal foam damage)
- I can see the blue lower seat trim and it appears in good condition

So I have a couple of questions:
1.  What, if anything, should I do to the engine after sitting for 20+ years and 12K miles?  I had not originally planned on tearing it down to the bones as many have.  Turns over fine and has oil in it.
2.  My engine serial number is not an "FE", its just an "E" (CB750E-2511409).  Looks like that would be a K5 engine instead of an F0 engine?  The serial numbers between the frame and engine are only 43 numbers off (frame: CB750F-1011366).  Is that possible or am I reading something wrong?

Any suggestions or reply's would be greatly appreciated.  This forum is wonderful.  Oh technology.  I had been thinking about this project for many years and having the forum as a resource is awesome!!
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2011, 12:26:29 PM »
No need to tear anything down to the bones at this point.  Mine sat idle for 25 years before I got it.  The fact that it turns over is a very good sign.  Change the oil and when you put in fresh oil save the last pint.  Remove the tappet covers and squirt that last pint in with a condiment squeeze bottle.  Pull the plugs and squirt a small amount oil like Marvels into each cylinder and leaving the plugs out kick it over several times with the kicker.  Pull the carb bowls off to see what condition your carbs are in.  Mine were clean so all I did was unscrew the jets and clean them along with the needlevalve seats.  There was no need to tear the carbs apart.  Maybe you will get lucky here too.  Check the points and clean and reset as needed as well as new plugs or at least clean and re-gap what you have. Your brake system will most likely be locked up and require dissassembly and rebuild.  All the parts are available and not that expensive and the job is not difficult with a few of the proper tools.  Lots of info on brake rebuilds here.  The rear caliper is a bit special on the F bikes and I have a a way to deal with it that I have posted several times.  Clean your tank out and maybe get a new petcock filter and gasket set.  This was all I did on mine and she fired up on the third kick.
Check out my thread here for more.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 04:01:26 PM by srust58 »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F (Pictures)
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2011, 03:21:30 PM »
So I got the beast out and took some pictures:

Tear in the Seat


Dent in Tank



Close-up of What AZ Sun Does to a Seat

Carbs, Note Rust along bottom edge

Alternator Cover - Small dent at bottom with slight crack (leaks oil)

Slight Dent & Crack

Hole in Exhaust

Rear Wheel, Chain & Sprocket

Left Side Cover (Cracked, Broken Tab)

Right Rear


Parts I Had Removed Some Time Ago

Close-Up of Tank Dent (Right Side)

Close-Up of Two Small Dents (Left Side)

Original Inspection Paint

So what do you think, can I rework the tank?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 03:37:36 PM by AccuPro »
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2011, 03:36:22 PM »
  Check out the tank along the bottom seam.  That dark discoloration may point to pinhole leaks. As far as the engine number goes that is an F engine.  Mine also starts with CB750E-259.....
It does not look all that bad, no serious corrosion and chrome should polish up.  You can probably patch that muffler and get a few more years out of it.  The one sidecover is repairable.

Yowsa! $40 for the sales brochure.  I have one for the 1976 750 and 550 K bikes. I should sell it to someone who appreciates those fugly bikes. ;D
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 04:10:16 PM by srust58 »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2011, 03:43:15 PM »
Yes, about the tank thats my biggest concern.  See air box in parts picture above (yes).

I am assuming I can get the tank reworked locally.  Shake washers or whatever in the tank to break things loose, have the dents worked out or Bondo and possibly do some welding/brazing on the lower seam to ensure no pinhole leaks.

What do you think?
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2011, 03:52:18 PM »
I would try and salvage it as they are hard to come by.  Clean it first.  You will have to get the varnish build up out first and then you can try a few different methods of getting at the corrosion(acid or electrolysis).  Lots of info on that here.  Braze up the pinholes and then most likely it will be a candidate for a tank liner.  
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 03:55:47 PM by srust58 »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2011, 07:58:01 AM »
srust58, finally got a chance to see your original post (bike).  What a buy!!

What did you ever decide on tires?
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2011, 04:22:18 PM »
srust58, finally got a chance to see your original post (bike).  What a buy!!

What did you ever decide on tires?

Bridgestone Spitfires (have not got around to mounting them yet)

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2011, 03:39:53 PM »
More questions!!

Handlebar controls:
I just got the handlebar control wires out of the handlebars and they are not spliced.  Seems really odd as the handlebars do not appear to be stock yet the control wires appear to be stock.  All wires are sleeved with black plastic and well secured into the switch bodies.  I did not strip off the black plastic yet, but cannot feel any obvious connections within the plastic.

The length of the wires from the switch body to the end of the connectors is 36" for both sides.  Is this the stock length?  The length between the holes from the middle of the handlebars to the holes at the grips are 18" for both sides.

Fork Tube Rust:
Also I have this rust on the fork tubes.  Should I get it buffed off and if so do I need to have the fork tubes re-chromed?

Corrosion of the Aluminum Cases:
Does this just buff out?

Clamps for Carb Manifold:
Are these available in the after market?

Chrome/Shiny Bolts/Bracket for Carbs:
This looks like maybe its aluminum?  Would you just get after market parts and replace these rusty bolts or buff them up?

Would appreciate any recommendations or suggestions!


'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2012, 06:26:23 AM »
OK I started this in Jan 2011 and we are approaching Jan 2013, told you I was slow!

With my latest Christmas present of $350 cash I am getting real close to start putting this girl back together and it has been a ride.

Most significant change out of the gate was I purchased an almost new '77 - '78 tank from J. Moore in Cal.  I probably paid to much but lesson learned.  The tank did have a minor crease, a couple of dings at the bottom edge all the way to the metal (very small) and a few scratches in the clearcoat.

When I started I did not fully comprehend the subtlety of this process.  I also had the impression that some unobtainable parts, when they did become available, you would have to pay top dollar.  Reality is there really are no unobtainable parts, everything will come up for sale sooner or later!  Of course condition is everything and you pay for OEM new.  I digress.

So with the new, nearly new "black" '77-'78 tank I made the decision to change the '75 color to black, obviously a big move away from my stock bike.  But I had made a decision to go away from stock somewhat anyway, most notably adding the 2nd disc brake to the front end.

The forum is invaluable and specific members have been awesome and I try to give back as much as possible with pictures, suggestions, knowledge learned over the long haul, etc.  Mark Paris is the man for sure!

I'm thinking if there is interest I will gradually add to this project page the process I went through in order to help others.

My original budget was $2K and I am now at $4K so obviously I was off on the numbers.  That said I have done most of the work myself which I am proud of and would encourage everyone to "give it a shot" seems very rewarding to finally get it right, do the research, source the parts or tools, etc.

I joined the VJMC and started hanging out with the guys and went to the West Coast Rally to see 50+ restorations in various states.  When you start walking around and talking with folks there seems to be two significant groups, those that do the work and are cheap, wanting to find the least expensive way to get something done, and then the guys that just buy everything new and in most cases pay someone else to rebuild their ride.  I am a member of the 1st group.
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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Offline madScientist

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2012, 06:42:49 AM »
Add away bud! I love watching these builds come together.

I'm doing a 78 750F right now and definitely sympathize with how the prices creep up on you. I think I'm about $2k in and am about 1/3 of the way on purchasing the parts and having the machining done that I want.

Keep it up! That bike is going to be a great ride! Props on the wings too...i have a Yellow 76 GL1000 that I toodle around on occasionally.
You CAN do great things...with enough beer.

78 cb750f
70 CL350 Street Tracker / Cafe
83 KZ1100ltd
76 GL1000
71 Kaw H2 (to be built)
77 cb750A (sold)
74 cb125s (sold)

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2012, 07:31:15 AM »
Well lets see, I would say the next biggest issue was to paint or PC (powder coat).  I did lots of research and decided on painting and ordered Extreme Chassis Black (2 quarts) from Eastwood.  Also purchased a cheap spray gun from HF.  In fact I purchased many things from HF, about $525 to date and I think I'm finished.  To many things to mention but the highlights are, vibrator/tumbler bowl, soda blaster, truing stand, micrometers, spray gun, heat gun, buffer & stand, and cylinder hone.

What happened relative to paint was as I was reading the forum I was seeing more and more guys going with PC.  I started doing research on PC and bit-the-bullet and ordered Eastwood's basic PC kit which was on sale and include your choice of 6 different powders.  I went to a local used building material store and purchased a used residential digital oven for $30.  I started out with a couple of pieces and its super easy and the results are spectacular, very forgiving process.

Lesson - Should not have ordered the paint right away.  In fact the overall lesson is to be more patient and think about things for a few days and/or research before ordering.  Fortunately I start seeing this trend early on, me deciding on something and ordering it, so overall I did not do to bad.  I decided on using the Eastwood Extreme Chassis Black to paint the side covers, headlight, tail cone and frame instead as I obviously could not get the frame in the oven, more on that latter.

'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
VJMC Member

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2012, 12:03:37 PM »
Twice as long and twice as expensive pretty much holds true  ;)
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2012, 01:23:00 PM »
    Maybe you already know this but I will mention it anyway.  The petcock for the 75/6 will not fit the 77/8 tank so hopefully one came with your "new" tank.  The threaded fitting on the tank is different.
    I prefer paint on the frame.  It can be touched up and is more DIY.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 01:26:19 PM by srust58 »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: Newbie Building a Project '75 750F
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2012, 01:42:50 PM »
You the man Jerry!!  Between Hondaman and you, you guys have helped me the most!!!!  I did purchase those handlebars from, Seemed like a great price!!
'66 CB77, 305 Superhawk (Project Bike)
'72 CL 175, (Project Bike)
'75 CB750F (Project Bike, Complete)
'05 GL1800 ABS Black Cherry (Current Ride)
'87 GL1200 Wineberry Aspencade
'83 GL1100 Wineberry Aspencade
'76 GL1000 LTD
'75 GL1000 Turquoise
'69 Honda 750cc Gold
'67 Honda 305 Dream Black
'63 Honda S90 Black
'61 Honda 50 Red
GWRRA #000008
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