Today I set out to paint my motor. I hung a fairly air-tight (ok, breeze-resistant) spray booth. It worked out pretty well:
If you recall, I decided to try the POR-15 engine paint. The recommended application method is brush. I was not happy with the finish. The paint and solvent separated to form light and dark streaks in the dry paint:
So, I contacted POR-15 support and told them I was going to try loading the paint into Preval canisters. They said it would work, but it didn't. It separated again into light and dark, but in a random sprayed pattern. So, I called them again and they suggested trying an HVLP paint gun. So, I borrowed a friends and tried the POR-15 again. It came out the same as with the Preval guns. You can see the mottled appearance in this picture:
So, with the POR-15 primer and engine paint in place and sanded with 320, I applied VHT engine paint (rattle can), as directed (3 coats within an hour). I am very pleased with how it looks. I let it dry for 3 hours, then cured it in the oven for 1 hour at 200F. It passes a rough fingernail scratch test. These were just test pieces. I do plan on applying the VHT engine clear for the final run.
At this point, the major issue is that the VHT might not adhere to the POR-15. Let's hope they are a) somewhat chemically compatible, and b) that the 320 grit provides an adequate mechanical bond.
I was really hoping the POR-15 would work out. I liked the color, and the paint felt really durable. The VHT just feels a bit more fragile. Hard to describe. Perhaps the clear with improve things.
Regardless, the VHT looks great and will have to suffice. Fingers crossed, I'll have the motor assembled by the end of the week.