Cripes!! 170 days of your life spent on one forum alone!! How old are ya Sam?? 110 to 115??
I'm one hundred and twenty eleven
Most of my time on line was when I worked four 12 hour nights as a security guard and I was a few days short of Bill440cars at the top of the pile.
At the end of 09, I went onto days and didn't get on as much as I had more work to do.
A few months back, my company paid for me to have a phone and to be on line at home.
As soon as I became a full time surfer, I overtook Billy in a matter of days, SORRY Billy
Yeah, OLD Sam has managed to overtake me in that respect. Not near as active as I used to be. But be that as it may, OLD Sammy Boy might better keep his guard up.
Gotta say though, could have been past by a better Mate though. Course, by now, I have been past by several (all of who, I respect).
Course, as we get older, the time flies by anyway, like it or not. So, might as well be doing what you Like.