As to APE and turnaround, and additional backstory...
Big Jay at APE is the owner, and member of this forum. He started his business when the CB750 was King and has probably done as much with them as anyone. Now, the Hayabusa and the like is where performance shops make their real money, CB750s are a pain in the side. But Jay still has a soft spot for them, even has a special part of his website known as the "SOHC Zone" for CB750 performance parts and services. (See the banner at the top of this thread).
So, he likes to be the one that works on the CB750 parts, personally, I've heard. So you send your stuff in (I did a crank and a transmission) he's likely the one doing the work. But with the real workload a priority (gotta keep the lights on) he may have to set it aside till he gets a free moment to concentrate. I got mine back right away, i must have hit his CB750 day, others have had to wait I've heard.
This is what i've gleaned from reading his bio, and talking with the staff at the desk. Many places can do the work and are competent. If you can, I suggest using him/APE.