FWIW, this is NOT "political" it is about the survival the fuel systems in our motorcycles, cars, trucks, mowers, etc.
Well, the dummies have finally done it! What a bunch of self-serving, inconsiderate fools!
An EPA decision, backed by Congressional Mandate (pushed by farmer's coalition) and pushed by bamer - they are now gonna cram it down our throats - make that fuel tanks! Announced in today's in "News" paper.
EPA states "safe" for cars/trucks (no mention of any other vehicles/equipment) mfg between /01 and '07 (no mention of '08 - '11 or earlier years). "They" obviously do not care about the millions of us who drive earlier vehicles or use motorcycles, mowers, etc that cannot survive 15% Ehanol. In other words, "to Hell with all of us"!
This is a rediculous position to be taken by the EPA since Ethanol is proven to reduce mileage by 10% (they profess [lie] to want to conserve fuel!) and creat MORE air pollution! So, the EPA blatantly violates (lies) their own proffessed claim to want to reduce pollution!
For what little good it may/may not do, I know who I'm gonna call, email, write to voice my disgust. May not help the situation but at least "they" will know how I feel about this all too rediculous situation. I hope their phones & emails are swamped by others who feel the same!
I repeat, this is NOT in any way political. It is about too much Ethanol in gasoline (ANY is too much!).