My first question would be, why?
You're moving from a spacious & sunny part of the world to a cramped, rainy, misty, provincial island. Where you need planning permission to fart!
No, it's not as bad as that. Actually it has a lot of good things going for it. It's one of the few true democracies in this planet. That's maybe why it takes us soooo long to do anything: everybody has to cast their 2 pennies worth before anything can be done. Then the ones that lose out take to the streets of london and start a mini riot. At the end of which everyone goes off to the pub for a couple of pints before heading of back home. Pretty fair.
What are you qualified as?? Are you a British citizen? Do you have any rights (grandma was a brit, or something) to becoming a Brit. If so you can just swan in and take your pick, otherwise my advice would be to get a job first, then come over.
You're not by any chance a Brazilian plumber?