Author Topic: Iphone 4 or samsung captive  (Read 1003 times)

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Offline apex_seeking

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Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:54:26 AM »
I used to have an iphone 3g and I need to get a new smart phone. I've seen what the iphone 4 can do and its pretty cool. But I've heard nothing but great things about the android phones.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 09:10:06 AM »
I used to have an iphone 3g and I need to get a new smart phone. I've seen what the iphone 4 can do and its pretty cool. But I've heard nothing but great things about the android phones.

Any suggestions?

It all depends on what you want to do. Do you want to customize your phone? Do you like the idea of not paying for applications (well most)? Then get an android.

If you dont plan to customize your phone, and dont mind paying for applications, then the iphone4 is'nt a bad choice.

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 09:33:13 AM »
I am no techie but I have a Samsung behold and hate it. The touch screen on this phone blows. I had a Samsung flip phone before this one and it sucked as well. No more Samsung phones for me. There TV's rock though. I suggest you read some user reviews, Cnet is a great place with no biased reviews and tons of user reviews on just about anything electronic.

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2011, 10:50:13 AM »
The Samsung Galaxy S phones (captivate is one) have one of the best screens in existence.  It uses Super AMOLED and has the best color saturation on the market.  It also has the Hummingbird processor which has one of the best GPU's on the market.  The hardware is top notch.  that said....

Samsung has been terrible about updating these phones to 2.2 and they may never see 2.3 even though they have all the hardware needed for it (the new Nexus S is the same hardware).  They are using the RFS file system which slows everything down and therefore it does not use the hardware to its fullest potential, but it is still a VERY fast VERY capable phone.  It is missing the front facing camera, but with 2.2 you get full Adobe flash support.

Depending on what you want, either phone will work well.  On principle, I like the android better. I like to tinker and Apple does not like anyone to tinker with ANYTHING that they make. 

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 04:37:25 PM »
Nexus S - Do it..

Personally I think the security is lacking in the android market and Apple does as good as job as I think is possible with keeping their phone/app store secure. Because of that there are some limitations/restrictions but depending on our phone use that might be a good or bad thing for you. If There are a ton of free/lite apps in the Apple app store so there should be no b`tching there and honestly if your struggle to pay 2 bucks for something like doodlejump then your a fool cause that apps like it are awesome. With all that being said I will be switching from my iphone to the nexus s in the next month.
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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 05:02:30 PM »
That Nexus looks sexy but I'm switching from T-mobile to AT&T for work reasons. Otherwise it was going to be the My touch 4g.

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2011, 06:16:08 PM »
I can't speak to the pros/cons of the specific andriod phone you mentioned, but I do have another android phone and have been pleased with it overall.  I'm on Verizon and even with the recent announcement about iPhone coming to the network, I have my reservations about switching over.  The Android market is great and so much of the apps are free.  The integration with Google is great (contacts, calendar, etc.).  One of my favorite apps lets you track where you go (or ride) via gps and then uploads it to your google maps account so it can be saved, shared, or whatever.

That said I know people who swear by their iPhones and love them.  I have a MacBook and I think the integration with my computer would be nice....but I don't necessarily need that.

Someone mentioned above the ability to customize your android phone....I recently "rooted" mine....meaning that I "hacked it" or whatever.  I can now tether my laptop to my phones wireless without paying extra and have even upgraded my android system to a more current version.  Verizon has given up updates for my current phone (Droid Eris), so it's nice to be able to do this.  It's a bit harder to do with Apple products.

Good luck.
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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2011, 06:48:27 PM »
LOVE the iPhone!!!!
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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2011, 07:41:16 PM »
The iPhone 3g I've been using was jailbroken or "hacked" as you said. Problem was I had a lot of performance issues. REally slow and lots of glitches. Is it like that with the android upgraded?
I recently "rooted" mine....meaning that I "hacked it" or whatever.  I can now tether my laptop to my phones wireless without paying extra and have even upgraded my android system to a more current version.

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2011, 07:50:45 PM »
The iPhone 3g I've been using was jailbroken or "hacked" as you said. Problem was I had a lot of performance issues. REally slow and lots of glitches. Is it like that with the android upgraded?
I recently "rooted" mine....meaning that I "hacked it" or whatever.  I can now tether my laptop to my phones wireless without paying extra and have even upgraded my android system to a more current version.

Im going to take it that your using a 3G and not a 3GS.. 3G just suck after 4.O iOS, its what I currently have and its something we have to put up with (IE: motivation to move on). If you want someone normal performance again jailbrake back to 3.2.x code which raises a couple security concerns. Being jailbroke most likely has nothing to do with your current performance problems. If your really all pumped about the iPhone make sure you choose a carrier that actually has 4G or equivalent and not just a phone they call 4G that utilizes 3G technology (Current ATT iPhone).

If you choose an android phone go with the nexus so you dont have to deal with carriers providing/telling you when you can update the lastest droid OS.
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Offline apex_seeking

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2011, 06:02:16 AM »
What carriers are going to have the nexus?

After looking into it a bit more, the capative IS a nexus s. Just a different name.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 08:55:06 AM by apex_seeking »

Offline CBGhia

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Re: Iphone 4 or samsung captive
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 11:08:25 AM »
The Captivate uses a lot of the same hardware, but it is not the same phone.  There will be different drivers and most importantly, a different file system.  The Nexus S is a BAD MAMA JAMMA!   They are supposed to release a version with AT&T basebands.  If you root the Captivate and run "Voodoo" it changed the file system to ext4 just like the Nexus S, and it will fly.  Also, with root you never have to worry about the carrier updating your phone.  I was running 2.2 on my old G1 back in the summer. 
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
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