Nope, I actually haven't looked at Tintop's setup very carefully and certainly wasn't commenting on his design (I will check it out) Mostly I felt the comments I quoted were a bit deflating to the thread but perhaps that was just me. Probably more of a tease at mlinder. Engineering Mick??
They are being made in conjunction with a filter manufacturer and they are rated to flow up to 350 HP if i have read it correctly, they are also making the correct length stacks so the get correct flow characteristics into the intake ports.... I am not saying they are perfect as nothing is but a lot of time and effort have gone into their design.....Just saying....The thread is actually a good read..... 
Yes indeed cool stuff! . . .Stack length is about choosing where you want the benefit. Its never going to be correct for all RPMs. Check out this set of Graves's stacks for a Yamaha liter bike. Two different lengths of stacks. Strange to feed cylinders differently but it supposedly improves both mid and topend performance.
Did you look at Wompy's KZ picture?? Pick your stack length, shape the part on the computer to flow seamless into the carb inlet and then install a pair KN dual flange filters with the correct inlet spacing and with sufficient depth for the stack to breathe. The RU292 filters I used fit the PD carbs spacing, fit the frame space and would allow a significantly longer stack to fit and still maintain decent space between the end of the stack and back of the filter. Should be an improvement over basic pods anyways.