A warm welcome from Cold Canada ! and may I ask where South Lakes is ?
Hi thanks for your welcome.
South Lakes is in Cumbria in the area just north of Lancashire and south of Borders in Scotland.
Sometimes referred to as South Lakeland as in the quote below from their website.
South Lakeland encompasses two of England's best known National Parks, the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales.
Over the years these magnificent mountains and beautiful lakes have inspired many famous writers and artists like William Wordsworth, John Ruskin and Beatrix Potter.
It's a favourite area for tourists especially walkers, caravanners and a magnet for motorcyclists.
There are many popular 'bikers' meets with hot food vans and cafe's on hand to supply the demand from hungry riders. Try Google Earth for a birds-eye view of the mountains and expanses of water, commonly called lakes but more correctly named as waters, Ullswater, Rydal Water etc.
A standing local joke is that, there aren't any Lakes in the Lake District, they're all Waters.

Hope you're not bored with the 'ramble'.