You claim the speed cameras are bad because they cause wrecks,
I never said that at all, i said they are revenue raisers.....Once again show me where i said that..?
Isn't it people driving too fast and following too closely?
I did say that, and that is correct.
And your argument "they are a safety device and should be welcomed by anyone that rides a bike or even drives a car for that matter. Had any friends killed by red light runners...i have and have personally witnessed some horrific accidents committed by idiots running Red lights." could easily be used to champion the use of speed cameras, too.
Too simplistic Gordon.....Traffic lights cover a small part of any road and in the old days virtually no one ran a light or intersection because a cop directed traffic, so the camera penalises the idiots that run them. Speed camera's are used to generate dollars and usually aren't used in accident black spots and this is where the argument for having them removed and putting more cops on the road, statistics all over the world say the same thing, drivers, like young people in general are more badly behaved, due to a lack of training and education and discipline , yes speeding drivers kill but once again most motorists are poor drivers and therein lies the problem, people that run lights just couldn't be bothered stopping and people that run into them are just as stupid. What do you see as the difference between a cop policing the lights and a camera, these are not surveillance camera's so keep the conspiracy theories out of it, they are triggered by the car running the light and those idiots deserve to be caught. There is a big difference between speed camera's and red light camera's. I am a reasonably good driver and have never had an accident, i have never been booked by a speed camera and i speed where appropriate, I know the limitations of my driving but most people don't, my father raced cars and i have been driving since i was a small child. Also you don't have to be speeding to be tailgating, just following too closely which is driver error.
I am not being defensive at all just don't believe all the "reducing our freedom bull#$%*" You are less free than you think you are and the US government is one of the worst for keeping tabs on its population, they want to know what you are doing while hiding what they are trying to do to you.....and yes i am aware that it happens everywhere but not as extreme here as in the US. It really surprises me that as motorcyclists you wouldn't support something that could likely save your life, a large proportion of motorcycle accidents are at intersections controlled by lights....And dookie, you want to pay more taxes eh.? putting a cop at every intersection would help but cost a bloody fortune....
These cameras do not reduce vehicle incidents, all they do is create more rear end impacts
Thats stupid, rear enders aren't usually fatal, t bone and frontal are so they work, we are talking about saving lives not panel beating.....
People will do the stupidest things to obtain a little so called 'safety'.
Yep, like all being armed....
