Author Topic: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, Mulligan  (Read 63346 times)

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Offline greasy j

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - Now with less haplessness
« Reply #150 on: February 20, 2010, 02:25:21 PM »
very nice work gettin all this info in one place! I will use this for sure.

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #151 on: April 21, 2010, 07:13:16 PM »
SOHC4 is the devil.

Collecting upholstery links now...
Spike strips. Looks to make short work of the problem

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #152 on: May 11, 2010, 01:48:23 AM »
Well, somebody knocked the bike over parking their car - not a lot of damage, dented tank, busted turn signal, tweaked bars and the low beam filament is hosed. So time to think about an HID upgrade as, amps/wattage/lumens it looks like the best deal as opposed to an H4/Halogen and my stock bulb sucked.

I'm a little confused about H4/HID, resistors and how to wire in the hi/low and projector lenses and such so... links.

Definitions - cause I haven't had a reason to care in a very long time and just don't know.
WTF is an H4 other than being halogen? Looks to mostly involve categorization of the filament and wattage.
The first dual-filament halogen bulb (to produce a low and a high beam with only one bulb), the H4, was released in 1971. The U.S. prohibited halogen headlamps until 1978, when halogen sealed beams were released.To this day, the H4 is still not legal for automotive use in the United States. Instead, the Americans created their own very similar standard (HB2/9003).

And HID? Seems it's a miniature arc light. Nice.

So I gather that the halogen bulb requires no ballast but puts out only about 2/3 the light and uses about 1/3 more wattage while only providing about half the hours of operation.

OK, I'm sold.

Local threads
Johnyvilla mounts a HID bulb with a reflector lense - gets brow beaten about it;topicseen
Low Beam

SpeedRacer - some discussion of color/temp - pics and ballast placement

wannabridin - DDM Tuning kit - wiring up a switch - good stuff
Laminar's rig from the same thread
DDM 35W H4 hi/lo motorcycle kit 5k.
Stock bucket, eBay 7" H4 headlight housing.

Bistromath sez
One more thing -- I bought the 4500K kit, and even that warm color temperature is a little blue for me. I wouldn't advocate the 5000K and up kits unless you really want a modern, bluish look for your old bike.

Old75 sez
The headlight housing is the part that holds the sealed beam unless I am mistaken most people converting to HID are buying a H4 style reflector / lens and then just a H4 HID conversion kit.
So an HID bulb won't just fit up in an H4 lens?

Also, WTF is the difference between a 9004 bulb and a 9007 bulb?
---DDM lists equivalencies
Headlight Bulb Cross Reference:

9003 or HB2 bulb can be referenced to H4.
HB1 bulb can be referenced to 9004.
HB3 bulb can be referenced to 9005.
HB4 bulb can be referenced to 9006.
HB5 bulb can be referenced to 9007.
9008 bulb can be referenced to H13.
9145 bulb can be referenced to H10.
5202 bulb can be referenced to H16.
880 bulb can be referenced to other 800 series bulbs.

TwoTired, Bodi and HondaMan weigh in - I'm still confused, although that clears right up at about $400 - info on rewinding alternators

Hayabusa dude wires up a timer delay

Hayabusa dude installs a real projector - compares against standard kit - same output WAY less scatter

What a REAL projector lense looks like (and why it's $400)

Collected links to vendors and bits
V-LEDS - specifically says "High/Low Controller and Harness" can't tell if that's standard or not
DDM Tuning - cheaper - lifetime warranty - may require some more hands on - can't be sure

Cheap H4 reflector lense

eBay - 7" pseudo projector lenses

Color chart - 4300K it is

Still reading.

Hmmmm, THE LAW. Always good to know.

Gee, you can run without lights during daylight hours in WA. Who knew?
Every vehicle upon a street or alley at any time from a half hour after
sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when, due to
insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, persons and
vehicles on the street or alley are not clearly discernible at a distance of
five hundred feet (500') ahead

Blind your neighbor:
C. In the event the motor-driven cycle is equipped with a single-beam lamp
or lamps, the lamp or lamps shall be so aimed that when the vehicle is
loaded none of the high-intensity portion of light, at a distance of
twenty-five feet (25') ahead, shall project higher than the level of the
center of the lamp from which it comes. (RCW 46.37.250)

Tail Lamps - License plates
and motorcycles and motor-driven cycles, shall have at least one (1) taillamp.

Every taillamp upon every vehicle shall be located at a height of not more
than seventy-two inches (72") nor less than twenty inches (20").

Either a taillamp or a separate lamp shall be so constructed and placed as
to illuminate with a white light the rear license plate and render it
clearly legible from a distance of fifty feet (50') to the rear. Any
taillamp or taillamps, together with any separate lamp or lamps for
illuminating the rear license plate, shall be so wired as to be lighted
whenever the headlamps or auxiliary driving lamps are lighted.

Turn Signals
motorcycles and motor-driven cycles need not be equipped with electric turn-signal lamps

Reflectors - Wha?
Every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer and pole trailer shall carry on
the rear, either as a part of the taillamps or separately, two (2) or more
red reflectors meeting the requirements of this section and Section
11.82.600, except that motorcycles and motor-driven cycles shall carry at
least one (1) such reflector
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 06:09:36 PM by Iggy »

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #153 on: October 14, 2010, 07:32:33 AM »
Welp, bike got stolen from out front the apartment September 23. I'm thinking it's not coming back unless the thieves are unlucky and then probably in pieces. Pieces are fine. I can handle pieces.  ;)

It was fun. Learned a metric ton. Now to start the hunt for number 2.

Offline syth82

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #154 on: October 14, 2010, 07:52:11 AM »
 :o  oh #$%*! Well that certainly sucks...... Any insurance to cover it? Renters insurance maybe?

By trying to make yourself sound intelligent you appear to be #$%*in stupid......

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #155 on: October 14, 2010, 08:59:27 AM »
:o  oh #$%*! Well that certainly sucks...... Any insurance to cover it? Renters insurance maybe?

Nope. Honestly didn't occur to me someone would want my 35 year old motorcycle enough to cart it away with all the R6's, SV650s, Ducatis, Triumphs and things with expensive, easily sold fairings around here.

Next one will get full theft.

Offline goon 1492

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #156 on: October 30, 2010, 07:49:38 PM »
SOB! Dude that sucks, well maybe I have some parts you'll need on the next build. I'd be glad to donate them to ya brother.
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Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #157 on: October 31, 2010, 07:30:22 AM »
You're the coolest man  ;D Been watching CL but, and maybe it explains why it got boosted, the prices are now kind of outrageous. Haven't seen a reasonable $500 beater go by yet. Maybe that's just cause it's winter but everyone seems to want a couple grand and better for any 750 that's not a piece of crap.

Probably just have to start on a serious beater this time around instead of the cake and pie ol blacky was.

Maybe if I wait till spring they'll find my bike, a bunch of tv's and some meth in some guys basement. Sigh.

Offline Syscrush

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #158 on: November 01, 2010, 04:51:55 PM »
Wow. I just came across this thread and enjoyed the whole read.  You did an amazing public service with all of the indexed links you provided, it's just great.

Then I get to the end and the f'n thing was stolen?  I felt like I got punched in the gut!  :(

Nope. Honestly didn't occur to me someone would want my 35 year old motorcycle enough to cart it away with all the R6's, SV650s, Ducatis, Triumphs and things with expensive, easily sold fairings around here.
God, I didn't even carry theft on my SV because I thought why would anyone steal that when a GSX-R, CBR, or R-whateva is lighter (i.e. easier to steal) and more in demand (i.e. easier to sell the parts from)?  WTF is wrong with the world when an old CB is getting boosted?  ???

Next one will get full theft.
Yeah, and theft isn't expensive and a claim generally doesn't affect your premiums.

Really sorry to hear about this.  Good luck with the next one.
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
There's nothing more expensive than a free bike...
FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Analysis

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #159 on: November 01, 2010, 06:03:41 PM »
That really sucks, I'm going throw all the info you indexed as well. Thanks for everything!

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #160 on: November 01, 2010, 06:06:50 PM »
Yep, theft insurance is super cheap and I'm dumb for not having it. I'm still holding out some hope there's an idiot with warrants riding it around trying to get arrested so it can come home. The pessimist in me says that's a no.

Offline oldhondarider

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, BlackOut
« Reply #161 on: March 26, 2011, 12:04:45 AM »

Hmmmm, THE LAW. Always good to know.

Gee, you can run without lights during daylight hours in WA. Who knew?
Every vehicle upon a street or alley at any time from a half hour after
sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when, due to
insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, persons and
vehicles on the street or alley are not clearly discernible at a distance of
five hundred feet (500') ahead

Found this under Wash State  RCW 46.37.522
Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles — When head lamps and tail lamps to be lighted. 

Every motorcycle and motor-driven cycle shall have its head lamps and tail lamps lighted whenever such vehicle is in motion upon a highway.
"I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A little bird will fall dead, frozen from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself."   D. H. Lawrence

Welsh Customs, Tacoma Washington

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, Mulligan
« Reply #162 on: March 27, 2011, 12:24:18 AM »
That was closer to my understanding. Luckily IANAL and I run with my lights on anyways ;D I was mostly poking around when I got stopped for having just one mirror. Explained to the cop that it got busted when a well trained motorist knocked the bike over but he still gave me a ticket.

When I got to the magistrate he dropped it because the motorcycle cop had failed to take any notes. Pleasant day that was. As it turns out thou must have 2 mirrors or face the random wrath of popo.

Luckily it was stolen prior to my appointment with the law making contesting the ticket kind of an anti-climax. Pyrrhic even.

Offline oldhondarider

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Re: Rebuild for Dummies Redux - v2.0, Mulligan
« Reply #163 on: March 27, 2011, 09:46:16 AM »

I'm gonna run headlight and taillight.... but I'm hopefull to find the RCW on turn signals...
"I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A little bird will fall dead, frozen from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself."   D. H. Lawrence

Welsh Customs, Tacoma Washington