Author Topic: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!  (Read 7172 times)

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Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« on: March 30, 2005, 02:44:21 AM »
As everyone probably knows by now.... I'm new to this biking thing. So I was wondering, could some of you share some of your accident stories (thanks Steve D.) so I can try n learn from your mistakes before I have to learn from my own. I had my first "incident" yesterday when I was accelerating from a stop around a corner and slid my bike on its side just about a foot. It scared me enough to make me cautious. Luckily there was no major damage to my bike, just a little scratch on the engine and an ego as there was someone standing on thier porch trying to contain his laughter.  :-\

Offline Bryan Boyle

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2005, 04:14:38 AM »
First...a couple of things to think about:

1. I'm assuming you're in the US (if not, then adjust for your local conditions)....take the MSF (motorcycle safety foundation)
safety course.  If you're a newbie, this is the fastest way to get the basics down that will allow you to build the judgement
and initial skills you will need to survive on the road.  Even experienced riders take it (I'm going next month...and I've been
riding since 74...), since the edge gets dull after a while...

2. NEVER ride without the necessary safety equipment: sturdy over-the-ankle boots, leathers/riding suit (aerostich or some
such), eye protection, gloves, etc.  I prefer a helmet, but, in true biker style, don't believe the state should dictate common
sense, but, the advantages, at least to me, are compelling to protect the noggin.

3. Best words of advice I've ever heard: "Ride YOUR ride".  Only you know what your comfort level is on 2 wheels--don't let
peer pressure or public appearance dictate how/when/etc you take to the road or how you execute your riding.  The dynamics
of riding are a lot different than caging it. 

4. Accept the fact, but plan for the eventuality, that there will be times when the bike is going to have to be finessed through
what you want it to do.  These include sand/gravel/wet leaves, oil spots, etc from environmental conditions, debris thrown
up by passing cars, wind turbulence from those big trucks, etc.  Never arrive on a bike somewhere your mind didn't plan

I'm a part-time flight instructor, and am struck by the similarities between the dynamics of riding and the skills needed for
being a safe and successful pilot.  Both skills are, for better or worse, developed through practice, constant study, and
awareness of both the limitations and freedom they give you.  They are also, for better or worse, two skills where you and
you alone are solely responsible for your own safety (look at the average car and the number of nanny safety devices, all
necessary, that they contain versus motorcycles).  Understanding this dynamic and embracing it are key, I think, to having
a long and successful experience as a rider.

Lastly: pay no attention to the guy on the porch.  If you want to run with the big dogs, you gotta get off the porch.  He's
obviously not running with the big guys...:)

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Sandcast 2356

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2005, 04:20:24 AM »
Thanks a lot, very helpful

Online Kevin D

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 04:52:25 AM »
Watch out for the "1000 mile wipeout" - you know how to operate the controls, but now your confidence level greatly exceeds your skill level. Here are some more things to watch for: A handful of gravel at the corner, 5 minutes after its started raining, knowing which car might pull out in front of you.
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Sandcast 2356

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 05:28:18 AM »
1000 mile wipeout??? sounds interesting. yeah, the whole confidence level thing is I think the reason for my incident.

Offline SCJIM

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2005, 09:25:28 AM »
a long long time ago
in a state far far away...

"new jersey"

it was 1986 around august and i took my yamaha YZ250 out for some fun.

i took her to my favorate spot. a gravel yard in wall township "dunkan thecker" i think was the name of the place.
i had all my gear, full face bell helmet, kidney belt, gloves, gogles, pads, boots.   i was set for a great romp in the dirt.
and for the most part i did.   


i only remember up to a point and then thats it.

so from here forward you have to understand that what comes next was told to me.

cuz i still dont remember a dang thing.

the day i took my fatefull ride was a friday. i had just got paid and was ready for a great weekend.
when i left to go for a ride i diddnt say a word to anyone where i was going and i went alone.
both of those points i should say are BIG mistakes.

the following monday around 7:30 am i was found sitting on the sidewalk in front of my fathers office.
(i had worked there 2 years before)
anyway i had no visible dammage to my person just a little sunburn on my face, my pants were wet from the knees down.
with no body armour no helmet no gloves no gogles and NO BIKE.
and i was talking strangely so much so that i was accused of being on drugs.

i would like to point the geography here where i last remember being is on my bike riding in the gravel yard.
and my fathers office is about 6 or 7 miles away.

one of the workers called my father who came and brought me home.
once there i was given a bath by my father who said that i "wasnt acting normal at all"
he and my mother quickly took me to the hospital where among other things i was tested for drugs.


it was concluded by a nurologist that i had experienced some sort of trauma and i may never remember what happened.

it was about a two week hospital stay, i cant be too sure cuz i still dont remember even being at the hospital.

my memory started to function again around the week after i came home from the hospital.

still no word on where my bike was.

so my father offered a reward in the local paper and someone replyed.

it seems this guy found my bike and was going to keep it for himself, lucky for me his mom made him tell the truth.
"thanks mom"

he said he found it near where i remember last being, only theres no dammage, and the tank was full,
and there wasnt any other stuff there like a helmet or gloves or the body armour. "nuthin but the bike"

its been almost 20 years and i still havent remembered what happened to me on that day.

i have since sold that bike and stopped riding for a couple years "at my mothers request"
but the road still called to me.

so here i am now with my CB650 still keeping the dirty side down.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2005, 10:05:39 AM by SCJIM »
Jim in SC
1981 CB 650 Custom

Sandcast 2356

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2005, 09:32:14 AM »
wow, that's very interesting, so you were in the hospital just for trauma, no injuries?

Offline SCJIM

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2005, 09:37:08 AM »
i was admitted in the hospital for monitoring.

i was not remembering where i was or what day it was.

sad to say

"my clock was cleaned"

i know i was given a spinal tap, they also ex-ray'ed my brain and from what i was told those tests were un-conclusive.
Jim in SC
1981 CB 650 Custom

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2005, 09:38:46 AM »
wow, that's pretty crazy. I've never heard of anything like that occuring from riding a bike. I wonder what happened.

Offline SCJIM

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2005, 09:42:59 AM »
sooner or later its said,   so ill be the first to say it here...

Jim in SC
1981 CB 650 Custom

Sandcast 2356

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2005, 09:45:55 AM »
Ha Ha, no probes huh? :o

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2005, 02:16:01 PM »
Read this over, it's interesting, and worth revisiting periodically to help keep you to speak that is.
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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2005, 04:41:54 PM »
never ride a road that you dont know, at 110%... cos something will bit you every time..... me it was  double left, someones firewood that had dropped off a trailer, and a 5 metre drop at 90km/h...... needless to say, broken spine, pelvis... and surprissingly nothing else....always keep a safety margin... and the less  you know  a road, the bigger the safty margin... just my thoughts

  oh, and if you are over takeing a car thats doing 40km/h, in a 100km/h....make sure you have witnesses.....

   i am currently recovering from a guy who decided to do a right turn(australia) while i was overtaking him.... he didnt think he needed a indecator!!!!....needless to say i woke in hospital, adn was charged by the police for over taking a right turning vehicle... because he said that he had his indecator on... and i was unconssious.....his word against mine... i am a motorcycleist, so must have been doing something wrong... so i am the one who has to fix his car,pay the insurance on my firestorm... and cant get insurance anymore for a motorbike....
   watch out there everywere....
you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\

Sandcast 2356

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2005, 05:55:22 PM »
wow, that really sucks, sorry about that.

Offline heffay

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2005, 07:20:34 PM »
i'll start off by saying i live in the u.s. where we decided at some point to go against the grain and drive on the right side!
anyway... it was a friday evening.  i was thrilled to be riding the first bike i ever purchased.  a 1989 honda vtr 250.  i was on my way to a friends house for an overnight and had a backpack on with the usual overnight gear (meaning the bag was full... lucky me you'll soon find out)  cruising down a major roadway not yet out of the city i was clocking 60mph.  i was in the left lane of a 4 lane road (2 lanes running each way)  i was behind a car that signaled to move into the right lane and so he did.  as he was nearly 6 inches from being in his new lane i proceeded to go past him.  at that moment, he did a u turn across my lane to go the opposite way.  now, at 60mph, no helmet, and no reaction time it is amazing to me that i can remember making a choice... DONT GO OVER THE CAR!  my 1 and a half month old purchase actually did end up flipping over the car after i laid it down while i slid straight into the the left rear quarter panel.  i walked away... my saving grace was the backpack.  i remember feeling my shoulder length hair drag the ground and i count my lucky stars for that feeling and not something worse.  my only injury was a banged up knee from hitting the car (settled out of court for a whopping $400)  should not have settled though... i feel the injury every time i snowboard. 
moving on, this refers to the 1000 mile crash spoken of earlier.  had i paid more attention, WATCHED OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY, and not been so overzealous, i could have avoided the crash altogether.  but, i was a novice rider and knew no better.   since then, except on very rare occasion, you should bet your money that i am wearing a helmet.  my fathers advice when he went with me to buy the bike was "there are 2 types of riders... the kind who have had 'the' wreck and the kind who have yet to have 'the' wreck.  for me... that was "the" wreck.  it changed my riding style, choice of riding apparel, and life outlook FOREVER.

on a sader note at nearly the very moment i had this wreck i lost a dear friend to another motorcycle wreck not more than 10 miles away.  it was estimated that he was clocking over 120 miles per hour AROUND A SWEEPING CORNER!  he hit the guardrail, dying instantly, and breaking nearly every bone in his body.  his 2 week old kawasaki zx9r was the culprit.  i miss him, but i use our stories to help raise awareness that inexperience (in my opinion) is our number one obstacle.  (aside from all the auto drivers that seem to look right past us)
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Offline mwvachon

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2005, 06:57:56 AM »
After several years of off-road riding, I was finally old enough to apply for my driver's (and motorcycle) license. In early 70's, MFC was relatively unheard of in the North East (US). Figuring my off-road experiences were fair credentials for road-riding, I launched out onto the blacktop with my 1974 Kawasaki 400 triple. My first (and only to-date - knock on wood) 'lay-down' occurred within those first few weeks. I was making a simple right turn - going a bit too fast. As I entered the side road I noted that I was more or less in the center of the roadway - and a large boat of a vehicle was approaching a VERY short distance away. I pulled the bike over harder to the right to get out of the way. Being early in the riding season, there was still a fair amount of sand on the roads. The tires lost traction on some of this loose sand and down I went. I know I only rolled a few feet, but while it was happening, it felt like I was never going to stop. Upon getting up, I realised I had suffered no damage other than my pride - and some soreness for the next day or so. The bike had a scuffed peg and a broken mirror, but was othewise fine. I think this was actually a good thing for me. It made me realise just how important it is to be aware of all aspects of my riding environment - and to ride within my abilities. Since then, I've had several close calls - but my approach to riding is to expect all other vehicles to do the worst possible thing, and just be mentally prepared for it (and ride with a LOUD horn!)
Good luck & many happy miles of riding to you!
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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2005, 04:04:40 PM »
Ok, I'll play.

I had my first bike at age 11, rode it all the time.  Lots of off-road experience.

First street-legal bike at age 20 -- 1986 Yamaha XT550 -- enduro.  I used to ride it about 30 miles each way to work during the summer in Northern MI.  We had alot of lakes in the area, and so during the summer just a million vacationers.

I was on my way to work at 6:30 am riding about 65mph on a two-lane road.  Aproaching a gas station, there was an elderly guy in a Cadillac coming my way -- and when I was about 75 feet away, he just makes a left turn in front of me!  In that split second, I swerved off the road without scrubbing any speed at all, hitting a curbed island that was between the road and fueling area of the gas station.  When my back tire hit the curb it spanked me in the ass and I remember I could see my headlight!!  Somehow, I got back on the seat and skidded about a hundred feet across grass nearly running into the building next door.  When I came to stop, I just stepped off the bike and dropped it to the ground.  Totally in shock.  The old dude just hobbled over to me and said "I can't believe you stayed on top of that thing".

Neither could I, and I couldn't even talk to him.  The rest of the way to work I rode on the shoulder in about 2nd gear.

After that, I finally developed the "6th sense" that you need to be safe.  Always looking for a way out of every situation, and realizing that you can't just cruise on a cycle like you can in a car.  I drove a bit slower, and always on heightened alert. 

As a kid, I had spent a little time in the hospital from a good crash, but this was much scarier because I didn't cause the accident.  I was lucky that I got out of that, unscathed.

Always assume that drivers are out to kill you, and if you're on a busy roadway and someone even acts like they don't see you, give them the horn.  A short blast, if your just wondering, and a hell of a blast if they come near.

In addition, I have installed a headlight modulator which "pulses" your high beam for day driving.  Since getting it, I have had far fewer morons come close to me.  When I follow behind people, I've even seen some of them move their mirrors.  But, they can't ignore it, it's just too visible.  Way worth the money if you ask me, and installs in about 15 minutes.



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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2005, 05:36:45 PM »
Two things to remember:
1. There is only 1 sane person on the road at any time, and this is YOU. Everyone else is an idiot who has never had any road sense training and is out to get you.
2. Riding in itself is not inherently dangerous, but like the sea it is very unforgiving of any incompetence, carelessness or neglect.

Offline heffay

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2005, 06:34:39 PM »
hey spear... thats what i was saying... only, not in so many words.   8)
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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2005, 04:33:40 AM »
Hey Heffay - I knew that. I'm just a man of few words! (I wish). Had a look at your little website. Damn man. What'd you do that poor old bike? Make it into a cafe racer? You're not one of Chung's mates, are you?

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2005, 07:16:52 AM »
just to chime in on the thouhgt of hightened awareness...

you guys are right on the money!

in south carolina "espesially in the area i live in"
insurance rates are so high due to the ammount of "FATAL" collisions in the area.

you have to figure the other people on the road with you, dont have any idea what they are doing.

and dont get me started on the "fast-n-furious" wanna-bees driving the lil honda accords as fast as they can at every given moment.

i subscribe to the thought (There All Out To Get Me)

Jim in SC
1981 CB 650 Custom

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2005, 11:16:51 AM »
We all know visibility, as in the ability of four-wheelers to see us is a problem. My real pet peeve in this dept. is cell phone users. If you see one on a cell phone, assume they are oblivious to your presence.  >:(
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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2005, 01:53:17 AM »
Okay, I'm back. I've probably seen the results of more fatal vehicle crashes - including motorcycles - than most of you put together. I spent 18 years of my 27 years in the Police Force as a Forensic Investigator and was involved in Crash Investigation. I suppose half of the bike fatalities I did were the faults of idiots in tin-tops who all had the old excuse of "I didn't see him!"  The other half - ? - idiots on bikes who do not know what a power to weight ratio is; bought a first bike that was too big and powerful for them; or got a gut-full of dutch courage and were just a statistic waiting to happen. I found that the greater proportion of fatalities was younger than not. Youth today thinks it is bullet proof. There is not enough driver/rider education going on anywhere. At least here in my home State you cannot buy a motorbike as a learner that is above a certain power-to-weight ratio. It takes a couple of years before you can even think of riding something like a 750/4. That's a start, I suppose. I've lost a few friends and had one seriously injured of late. One had a stupid woman using a mobile phone who turned in front of a guy (she thought she could beat him across). The other was a mate who overtook 2 slow moving vehicles in an 80km/hr zone and the first vehicle was turning right (this is Australia you know) into a cemetery to attend her ex-husband's grave. He T-boned her car and was also killed outright. Another was a lady I have since got to know who was into day 2 of a 6 weeks around-Australia trip when an RTA vehicle swung across in front of her and her hubby (both on bikes) and she lost the lower half of her left leg. They are both in their fifties and were on long service leave. She was the most careful rider you could imagine. The driver had pulled off to the side of the road and when a line of cars had passed he just did the BIG u-turn. She went with him in an endeavour to avoid the crunch and nearly missed him, but - !!! Oh well. C'est la vie. I suppose the big message here is: 1. Treat everyone else on the road as a d!ckhead. 2. If in doubt - DONT! The latter is a policy I preach in Driver Education courses I'm involved with. I've had a bit of feedback from young drivers who reckon it has saved their skins more than once. That'll do me for now. Y'all stay safe now, ya hear?

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2005, 07:52:14 AM »
Y'all ???????

do i detect a southern accent?

Jim in SC
1981 CB 650 Custom

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Re: Crashes -warning! Graphically explicit material!!
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2005, 12:14:15 AM »
It's good to hear someone speaking my language   ;D  Thanks for all the posts guys, this is the first topic I check on when I log in, keep um comin.