Got whacked from the left in '78- in a cast for 9 months. Got whacked from the right 3 years ago- in an external fixator for nine months. Not too long ago, I made the left turn from the light near work like I have thousands of times before but this time, for reasons I still don't get, in the blink of an eye I'm on my side with the bike on top of me. It's not a matter of "IF", it's a matter of "when". I've been riding since '70 and still learning. I read articles, talk to other riders including local AHRMA racers. I get good riding technique advice like throwing a shoulder into a turn, when to brake, how to brake, lines to take. I modify all this, of course, for street riding. If I have to "correct" in a turn I think about what, if anything, I did wrong, what should I have done differently, etc. I don't try to keep up with faster riders. Take your ego off before you put your jacket on. Watch front wheels, drivers heads, look through the car, look under the car. Just becuse a drivers head is pointing in your direction, don't assume their eyes are focused on anything. In fact, the sound of your motor might wake them up and cause them to punch the gas! Personally, I get the best parts and riding equipement- especially tires- I can afford. When you start taking a passenger, she better be wearing more than short shorts and Wal-Mart flip-flops!