On the dirt, countless wrecks. On the pavement, countless wrecks.....but they were on a little moped I bought for $20 to get drunk and terrorize on, so those don't count.
Only one real pavement wreck to date. It was on my first street bike, a CBR600 Hurricane about 8 years ago. I had just ridden past the main gates of Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, NV. Slow was the goin' and I see out of the corner of my eye a really clean IROC-Z, so I look. "Nice IROC," I think, so I turn back to face forward. Then it hits me, screw the IROC, those were boobies! I look back to a hot chick with DD's checking me out. Remember, slow is still the going spead here- about 15-20mph. I smile inside my helmet, turn back forward and say to myself, "oh, turn." I was totally non-chalaunt and care free because I was going very slow and I had taken the turn about ten thousand times, but halfway in with no warning I hit a slick spot and my tires were old and it just slid right out from underneath me. The bike hit a city titty and busted the clutch cover and broke off the right footpeg and mutilated the fairing.
I stood up to greet the chick running up to me with (no joke) her hands in her back pockets and a tank top on. Bounce Bounce Bounce. The image is still there when I see a red IROC.
Young chicks dig crotch rockets.