For only having one day a week to work on it ... you sure are making fast progress.
Great looking build.
Thanks. As you can probably tell, I am getting less done per day as time goes on. It is getting more complicated, and I am running out of places to put parts.
Nice work. You are a wizard with the polishing!!!
How did you do it?
Thanks, but to be honest not all the parts look as nice in person as they do in the pictures. For some reason I keep getting this strange discoloration in some of the pipeces, likes almost like imperfections in the metal. And on other pieces there are still some visible scratches becuase I got impatient. But either way, here is what I do:
1) Buy one of these cheap, 3" DA sanders:

2) Get an assortment of 'hook-it' type sanding discs in grit ranging from 320 - 800:

3) Sand the piece thoroughly with each grit.
4) Hand sand it with 1000, maybe even some water. The DA leaves these tiny circular scratches which are oddly visible in the final piece. The hand sanding seems to lessen that.
4) Buff the piece with emery compound and a spiral sewn wheel, go against the rotation of the wheel to get a better cutting action.
5) Buff with white compound and a loose sewn wheel, go in the direction of the wheel to get nice color.