Author Topic: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day... lost track  (Read 56977 times)

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Offline q2418130103p

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CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day... lost track
« on: January 30, 2011, 07:30:39 PM »
Hello All,
This is a 1974 CB550 project that I started around November.  I only get 1 day per week to work on it, and I try to take pictures of anything interesting I do on that day.  I have been waiting to start a thread because I wanted to be able to post a bunch of pictures all at once.  I'll try to add pictures here as I go.

Here are some highlights of the build:
tank, seat, and some other misc pieces for BCR
595cc 10.5:1 pistons
webcam 58a
dynas coils and ignition
mrieck (stage 2?) head port
hardweld rockers

EDIT: So thanks to photobucket most of my images are dead links.  I moved them all to this album

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5-6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 12 (Didnt do any work, just got parts):

BCR Took these for me:

Day 13:
I used my new 20 tons press to pop out some bearings.  Overkill, but who cares.  I also used my new HF soda blaster, works good, but not good enough to take pictures.  I also got everything our of both case halfs except for the kick starter, I ran out of time.

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 18 and 19
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 01:51:02 PM by q2418130103p »
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Offline albertaboy

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 08:34:52 PM »
Nice look so far.  Im biased as I recently took delivery of BCR tank and seat also.  Is yours the Dolphin?
1975 CB750K
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 04:15:37 AM »
Nice look so far.  Im biased as I recently took delivery of BCR tank and seat also.  Is yours the Dolphin?

Its a Reck'n Ball.  But they are similar.  I think the dolphin is the same same, but a bit shorter.
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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2011, 04:26:21 AM »
For only having one day a week to work on it ... you sure are making fast progress.

Great looking build.

Offline ksmith0034

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2011, 07:22:33 AM »
Nice work.  You are a wizard with the polishing!!!  :o  How did you do it?
It took 10 years but she's finally done!
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2011, 07:41:09 AM »
For only having one day a week to work on it ... you sure are making fast progress.

Great looking build.

Thanks.  As you can probably tell, I am getting less done per day as time goes on.  It is getting more complicated, and I am running out of places to put parts.

Nice work.  You are a wizard with the polishing!!!  :o  How did you do it?

Thanks, but to be honest not all the parts look as nice in person as they do in the pictures.  For some reason I keep getting this strange discoloration in some of the pipeces, likes almost like imperfections in the metal.  And on other pieces there are still some visible scratches becuase I got impatient.  But either way, here is what I do:

1) Buy one of these cheap, 3" DA sanders:

2) Get an assortment of 'hook-it' type sanding discs in grit ranging from 320 - 800:

3) Sand the piece thoroughly with each grit.

4) Hand sand it with 1000, maybe even some water.  The DA leaves these tiny circular scratches which are oddly visible in the final piece.  The hand sanding seems to lessen that.

4) Buff the piece with emery compound and a spiral sewn wheel, go against the rotation of the wheel to get a better cutting action.

5) Buff with white compound and a loose sewn wheel, go in the direction of the wheel to get nice color.
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Offline albertaboy

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2011, 04:09:48 PM »
Nice look so far.  Im biased as I recently took delivery of BCR tank and seat also.  Is yours the Dolphin?

Its a Reck'n Ball.  But they are similar.  I think the dolphin is the same same, but a bit shorter.

"Reck'n Ball" - nice!! very good choice for a 550.  I cant wait to see how it turns out.  Cheers.
1975 CB750K
No where to go and all day to get there.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2011, 06:20:03 PM »
Nice look so far.  Im biased as I recently took delivery of BCR tank and seat also.  Is yours the Dolphin?

Its a Reck'n Ball.  But they are similar.  I think the dolphin is the same same, but a bit shorter.

"Reck'n Ball" - nice!! very good choice for a 550.  I cant wait to see how it turns out.  Cheers.

They say I should have it in my possession by the end of next week.  I'll take some more pics when I get them.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2011, 06:24:54 PM »
DAY 14

One of the crank bearings has a nick in it, it is not big, but I can feel it with my finger nail:

Here is an up close of the bearings (I deleted one of the pictures because it was blurry).  How do these look?

Soda blasted cases, using my harbor freight 10lb can.  They came out fairly good, but will still require some prer work, and I ran out of soda:

Back to post #1
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 04:40:13 AM by q2418130103p »
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 14
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2011, 06:42:42 AM »
Day 15:

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Offline ksmith0034

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 15
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2011, 06:53:32 AM »
Yikes!  :o  Don't let the little lady see that!
It took 10 years but she's finally done!
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 15
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2011, 07:15:46 AM »
She wasn't thrilled.  I bleached the tub afterwards.  I had already soda blasted and power washed them so they weren't too bad.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 15
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2011, 04:30:49 PM »
Day 16

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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 16 (Tank and Seat mock-up)
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2011, 08:25:55 PM »
So I was looking at the bike later and noticed that it looks like the loop that we welded on dropped a bit when we welded it up, probably because we only tacked it in one spot before welding.  I say that because after I bolted the seat to the loop it drew the front of the seat up, so now the line between the seat and tank does not match.  The seat is pivoting on the part of the frame near the strut mount.  Not sure how I am going to fix this problem, but I have an idea. 

My current plan is to use some threaded screw bumps the hold the seat 1/16" above the loop in the back.  To make the gap a bit less noticeable I will weld on a 1/2" round bar, with a similar radius to the loop, underneath the seat.  I also got some long rubber bumpers that I was planning to mount between the seat and the frame rails, closer to the tank.  This will both fill the gap between the seat and the frame, and isolate the metal seat from the metal rails (both of which will be painted).

I am open to suggestions for the problem.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 16 (Tank and Seat mock-up)
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2011, 04:51:13 AM »
So I was looking at the bike later and noticed that it looks like the loop that we welded on dropped a bit when we welded it up, probably because we only tacked it in one spot before welding.  I say that because after I bolted the seat to the loop it drew the front of the seat up, so now the line between the seat and tank does not match.  The seat is pivoting on the part of the frame near the strut mount.  Not sure how I am going to fix this problem, but I have an idea. 

My current plan is to use some threaded screw bumps the hold the seat 1/16" above the loop in the back.  To make the gap a bit less noticeable I will weld on a 1/2" round bar, with a similar radius to the loop, underneath the seat.  I also got some long rubber bumpers that I was planning to mount between the seat and the frame rails, closer to the tank.  This will both fill the gap between the seat and the frame, and isolate the metal seat from the metal rails (both of which will be painted).

I am open to suggestions for the problem.

Never mind, we fixed it the right way...  Day 17 was basically cutting off everything from Day 16 and welding it back on again.  It looks perfect now.  I am still going to make rubber mounts to hold it off the frame.

I plan to do some painting of engine pieces next week.  I am still trying to decide on black or silver for the engine cases.  The cylinders will be black, de-finned, thats not a question.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Day 16 (Tank and Seat mock-up)
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2011, 03:33:09 PM »
DAY 18 and 19

« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 12:47:29 AM by q2418130103p »
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Offline ksmith0034

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2011, 03:49:10 PM »
Nice.  Is that paint or powder?  How did you get it off the fins after baking?
It took 10 years but she's finally done!
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Offline DarcyCB400F

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 05:46:37 PM »
Nice work!
How's the divorce proceedings coming??  :D
I just showed my happy wife these pics and she is very understanding.... NOT!!!  ;D
She doesn't like ANYONE using her Dawn dish soap!!  ;)
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: Re: Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2011, 07:02:44 PM »
Nice.  Is that paint or powder?  How did you get it off the fins after baking?

It is VHT.  I used a DA sander, and some sander paper on a block. I had already shaved the fins flat before painting then.

Honestly, I don't know if i would recommend this procedure. It looks nice in the pictures, but it chipped in a few spots from the sanding as well as from the removal of the masking tape. I will have to touch up the paint after assembly.

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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: Re: Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2011, 07:09:24 PM »
Nice work!
How's the divorce proceedings coming??  :D
I just showed my happy wife these pics and she is very understanding.... NOT!!!  ;D
She doesn't like ANYONE using her Dawn dish soap!!  ;)

So far I have used the tub, Sink, oven, and dish soap while keeping the marriage in tact.

The key has been making sure she its not home, and that there its no sign of grease or oil when she does get back.

I'll post from my best friends fold out bed after I bake the engine cases, because there is no way I can keep up the act.

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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2011, 12:38:18 PM »
Where did you get that triple tree top? I've been looking for one for a while and can't seem to locate one that fits a cb550. I am doing a 1975 Honda CB550 Cafe project. I'm in college and poor so my project is going slowly. And my bike is my only transportation so I haven't been able to really do any engine work so far. But that triple tree top looks sweet and I want one. Sweet build by the way. I like it a lot.

"Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."  ~Hunter Thompson

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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: Re: Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2011, 02:47:37 PM »
Where did you get that triple tree top? I've been looking for one for a while and can't seem to locate one that fits a cb550. I am doing a 1975 Honda CB550 Cafe project. I'm in college and poor so my project is going slowly. And my bike is my only transportation so I haven't been able to really do any engine work so far. But that triple tree top looks sweet and I want one. Sweet build by the way. I like it a lot.

Thanks for the compliment.

That is the factory tree with the handlebar supports cut off and then polished.

I could do one for you if you want, however it takes a number of hours.

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Offline Zaipai

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2011, 03:26:12 PM »
VERY Nice!!! Can't wait to see it finished!

.: Scott :.
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Offline q2418130103p

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2011, 05:14:51 PM »
VERY Nice!!! Can't wait to see it finished!

.: Scott :.

Me too!  I'll leave a note in my will for my great grand son to post the pictures when it is finished.  Assuming this internet thing is still around then.
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Offline Zaipai

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Re: CB550 Cafe - My First bike build : Days 18 and 19 (Paint rd. 1)
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2011, 08:39:23 PM »
VERY Nice!!! Can't wait to see it finished!

.: Scott :.

Me too!  I'll leave a note in my will for my great grand son to post the pictures when it is finished.  Assuming this internet thing is still around then.

Lol.. I feel that way some times too.. However I believe it will be done sooner then that.. ;)

.: Scott :.
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