Wooohooooooo Glad YOUR'S does anyway
Well.....at least it was a glorious ride around the block, Jerry. Cam tower/rockers for 1&2 is bone dry, and the motor's coming back out. I do believe that this engine is feeling sympathetic pains, and does not want to get on the road unless you do too.....
.......so get crackin'!!!!!
Oooher, that's not good Sean, did it do any damage? I destroyed the top end on my first K1 in 1981 when a bead of silicon sealant (no, I didn't use the schidt, a "professional" mechanic at a bike shop did) blocked off both oil jets in the head, wrecked the cam, cam towers, and all of the rockers. I hope yours is ok!
I'm sure I fried something up top, Terry. 5 minutes of run time before I realized there was a problem. We'll see just HOW good that Red Line assembly lube really is
The silver lining in my big #$%* cloud is that the top end of the blown engine I yanked out of the bike is still in great shape, and there's a 125-65 cam in it in case the Yosh got damaged.
The Wiseco pistons in the yanked motor failed spectacularly. The outer edge of the piston top that defines the intake valve relief broke away on #1 AND #2 piston. #1 piston melted away through all three rings, and a cloud of smoke ensued. #2 piston must have blown the shrapnel out the exhaust, and kept on running as if nothing at all had happened, even though the top ring is now exposed. Cool
I'll get some pics posted soon since I know everyone likes those kinds of pics
I wouldn't wish that top end damage on anyone. But if its got to happen, I like it when only one side gets plugged up and you twist the cam in half. Now you've got a real souvenir.
Sometimes going through the carnage can be as much fun as a job well done. Well....except for the blown money and lost time part