i hate people who care more about themselves then there children ... There comes a point in life when everything revolves around someone other than you, when "fun" no longer means bar hopping or drinking too much but instead means board games & bedtime stories & sleeping in means 8 a.m. Becoming a parent doesn't change you,it's realizing that the little person you made deserves the best & all of your free time! .... certain people just don't get it , i'm sick of hearing about how hard life is from weak minded #$%*ers that only make there own lives harder ... people that don't have money to feed there children , but always make it out to the bar every weekend, and always have beer in the fridge .. Depriving children of simple pleasures that we never had , so you can have the simple pleasures that you've ALWAYS had ..and don't think for one second that your kids don't notice that stuff ..cuz they do ... your a piece of #$%* low life, and i hope your enjoying the life i pay for