Hello all,
I apologize now if this is in the wrong category but I thought this topic fit best here. I was wondering if there were any guys with years of experience rebuilding motorcycles in the San Francisco Bay Area that would be willing to pass on some of that knowledge to a young guy that would love to learn (me

). I enjoy learning about all this stuff but my dad can't really teach me anything more than the basics because he doesn't work with metal at all, only wood. I am a full-time college student, I work part-time at a golf course and took an Auto Shop class at my local Junior College for enjoyment, so you don't have to worry about me not understanding simple things; i understand how an internal combustion engine works, and all that jazz. Building and fixing things is my passion because it is my opinion that anything can be fixed, it's just a matter of if it is worth the time to fix it or buy a new one (I prefer to fix it, of course). Any old timers willing to help me out? I'm sure there is something I can help you out with also.
P.S. I live in the South San Jose/Milpitas Area so South Bay would be desirable but beggars can't be choosers