I read a bit on this forum that a lot of people were having issues with exactly the same symptoms. The after-market exhaust lets the engine breathe better so will still cause lean conditions.
true, but with some fine tuning, and attention to the intake side, your AF mix may even out, or be real close. in my case, like a few others, it did not, but then i only needed to got #78 mains to dial my 350F in.
98's and above seem too big even for pods...but give it a try.
if you've got your carbs off, reset your floats to 24mm's and pull the emulsion tubes out from under the main jets, get all the tiny holes super clean if you have not already
a 350F used airbox($13.00), caliper piston, caliper o-ring, caliper mount and housing, MC rebuild parts...all on ebay...

SS and original rubber brake lines all over the joint....but i'd suggest slingshot cycles.